Analytical Packages List

ID Analytical Package Laboratory N
00000 Empty package No laboratory was required 0
00001 ODM IM processing (NGR: modified procedure) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 71
00002 GSC electron microprobe (17 oxides) (#1) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 18
00003 Acme 1F-MS + LOI, Sn, F Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 40
00004 Becquerel INAA (NGR) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 36
00005 GSC/AMD ICP-MS GSC: Analytical Method Development Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 51
00006 GSC/AMD ICP-ES GSC: Analytical Method Development Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 9
00007 Bondar Clegg / TSD 2 micron (1) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 16
00008 Bondar Clegg / TSD 63 micron (1) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 12
00009 Chemex / TSD 2 micron (1) Chemex Labs Limited 17
00010 Chemex / TSD 63 micron (1) Chemex Labs Limited 3
00011 INRS XRF + INAA (low detection limits) Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-Géoressources), Sainte-Foy, Quebec 43
00012 INRS XRF + INAA (high detection limits) Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-Géoressources), Sainte-Foy, Quebec 43
00013 XRAL INA + Hg CV-AAS X-Ray Assay Laboratories, Toronto (XRAL) 29
00014 NBDNRE AAS + COL (Mo, Sb) New Brunswick DNRE Geochemical Laboratory 10
00015 Chemex AAS (As) + FA-NA (Au) Chemex Labs Limited 2
00016 XRAL INA + Hg CV-AAS + XRF X-Ray Assay Laboratories, Toronto (XRAL) 31
00017 Chemex AAS (As) Chemex Labs Limited 1
00018 NBDNRE AAS + COL (Mo) New Brunswick DNRE Geochemical Laboratory 9
00019 Chemex AAS (As, Sb, Bi) + Hg CV-AAS + FA-NA (Au) Chemex Labs Limited 5
00020 NBDNRE AAS + COL (Mo, W) New Brunswick DNRE Geochemical Laboratory 10
00021 Chemex AAS (As, Sb) + Hg CV-AAS + FA-NA (Au) Chemex Labs Limited 4
00022 NBDNRE AAS + COL (Sb, V) New Brunswick DNRE Geochemical Laboratory 10
00023 Chemex AAS (Ag, As, Sb) + Hg CV-AAS + FA-NA (Au) Chemex Labs Limited 5
00024 ActLabs INAA + ICP-AES + Hg CV-AAS Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 44
00025 Bondar Clegg / TSD 2 micron (2) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 15
00026 Bondar Clegg / TSD 63 micron (2) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 15
00027 Chemex / TSD 2 micron (2) Chemex Labs Limited 13
00028 Chemex / TSD 2 micron (3) Chemex Labs Limited 9
00029 Bondar Clegg / TSD 2 micron (3) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 16
00030 Bondar Clegg / TSD 63 micron (3) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 6
00031 Chemex / TSD 2 micron (4) Chemex Labs Limited 10
00032 Chemex / TSD 2 micron (5) Chemex Labs Limited 14
00033 Chemex / TSD 2 micron (6) Chemex Labs Limited 16
00034 Chemex / TSD 63 micron (2) Chemex Labs Limited 9
00035 NBDNRE AAS New Brunswick DNRE Geochemical Laboratory 8
00036 ActLabs INA (33 elements) [UNUSED] Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 34
00037 Bondar Clegg INAA, Hg CV-AAS, AAS Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 5
00038 ActLabs INAA (35 elements), Hg CV-AAS,  ICP-AES (Sn) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 38
00039 ActLabs ICP-AES Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 7
00040 ActLabs INAA (33 elements), Hg CV-AAS,  ICP-AES (Sn) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 36
00041 ActLabs INAA + ICP-AES (7 elem) + Hg CV-AAS + Sn (1991-3) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 45
00042 ActLabs INAA + ICP-AES (7 elem) + Hg CV-AAS + Sn (1994) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 45
00043 ActLabs INAA + ICP-AES (19 elem) + Hg CV-AAS + Sn Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 57
00044 ActLabs INAA, ICP-AES, Hg CV-AAS, ICP-MS (2001) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 63
00045 ActLabs INAA, ICP-AES, Hg CV-AAS, ICP-MS (2002) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 63
00046 ActLabs INAA + ICP-AES Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 43
00047 ActLabs INAA Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 36
00048 ActLabs INAA + ICP-AES + Hg  ICP-AES + FIMS Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 56
00049 Bondar Clegg INAA + AAS + HY-AAS + F ISE + Hg-CVAAS + U NADNC + LOI Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 55
00050 ActLabs INAA + AAS + Hg-CVAAS Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 37
00051 GSC Leco GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 2
00052 ODM HMC Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 2
00053 Bondar Clegg Au FA-AAS Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 1
00054 Chemex Au FA-AAS Chemex Labs Limited 1
00055 Bondar Clegg INA (Ir:50) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 35
00056 Bondar Clegg AAS (10), U fluor, As (COL) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 12
00057 Bondar Clegg AAS, U NADNC, As (COL) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 13
00058 Chemex AAS, U NADNC, As (COL) Chemex Labs Limited 13
00059 Chemex Au FA-NA Chemex Labs Limited 1
00060 Bondar Clegg AAS (8), U fluor, As (COL) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 10
00061 Chemex ICP-AES (Hg ppm) Chemex Labs Limited 32
00062 Chemex Au + Nb Chemex Labs Limited 2
00063 Chemex ICP ? (1999-2000) Chemex Labs Limited 39
00064 Chemex ICP ? (2001) Chemex Labs Limited 24
00065 Bondar Clegg INA (Au:1, Ir:50, Ni:10, Rb:15) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 35
00066 ActLabs INA (Rb:5, Cr:5) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 36
00067 Chemex ICP-AES (Hg ppb) Chemex Labs Limited 32
00068 ActLabs INA (Rb:5; Cr:1) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 36
00069 Bondar Clegg Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe, U_fl Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 6
00070 Bondar Clegg Cu, Pb, Zn, U_fl Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 4
00071 AECL U NADNC Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Ottawa 1
00072 Bondar Clegg AAS Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 8
00073 Bondar Clegg U fluorometry Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 1
00074 Bondar Clegg U NADNC Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 1
00075 Bondar Clegg Co AAS Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 1
00076 Bondar Clegg Cd AAS Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 1
00077 Bondar Clegg As colorimetry Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 1
00078 Chemex Au-AFS, As-AAS, Pt, Pd Chemex Labs Limited 4
00079 Bondar Clegg Au FA-NA Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 1
00080 Bondar Clegg XRF (9); Be (AAS) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 10
00081 Chemex ICP-AES (10) Chemex Labs Limited 10
00082 Quebec Geoscience Centre XRF + Hg AFS (2 digestions) Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-Géoressources), Sainte-Foy, Quebec 14
00083 McMaster University INAA (33 elements) McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario 33
00084 XRAL XRF (11) + LOI X-Ray Assay Laboratories, Toronto (XRAL) 13
00085 Becquerel INAA (1994-2003) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 35
00086 Barringer AAS (11 elements) Barringer 11
00087 Chemex ICP-AES (Hg ppm) (33 elements) Chemex Labs Limited 33
00088 Chemex FA-ICPES (Au, Pt, Pd) Chemex Labs Limited 3
00089 ActLabs INA (33 elements + Ag, Sr; Sr:200) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 36
00090 Chemex Hg CV-AAS Chemex Labs Limited 1
00091 ActLabs INAA (33 elements + Ag, Sr; Se:5) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 36
00092 Intertek INAA (34 elements) Intertek Testing Services, Val d’Or, Quebec 35
00093 Chemex ICP-AES (Hg ppb) (31 elements) Chemex Labs Limited 32
00094 Bondar Clegg ICP-AES (38 elements) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 38
00095 Bondar Clegg ICP-AES (31 elements) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 31
00096 Chemex ICP-AES + Hg CV-AAS Chemex Labs Limited 33
00097 Bondar Clegg HG CV-AAS [UNUSED] Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 1
00098 Bondar Clegg ICP-AES (38 elements) + Hg CV-AAS Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 39
00099 Bondar Clegg ICP-AES (31 elements) + Hg CV-AAS Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 32
00100 Becquerel INAA (34 elements, Ag:5, Ce:3, Ir:5) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 35
00101 OGS miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 129
00102 OGS ICP-AES and ICP-MS methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 118
00103 OGS XRF methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 101
00104 OGS / MRD123 miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 109
00105 OGS / MRD143 miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 79
00106 OGS / MRD155/Teck-Gauthier A1-A2 miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 54
00107 OGS / MRD155/Teck-Gauthier A3 miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 53
00108 OGS / MRD155/Teck-Gauthier A4 miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 28
00109 OGS / MRD155/Teck-Gauthier A5 miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 17
00110 OGS / MRD155/Carscallen-Thornburn  miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 68
00111 OGS / MRD155/Munroe-Currie miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 70
00112 OGS / MRD155/Intr-Timmins miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 57
00113 OGS / MRD155/Intr-Clifford miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 74
00114 OGS / MRD155/Ben Nevis-Katrine miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 68
00115 OGS / MRD155/Ben Nevis-Cliford miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 54
00116 OGS / MRD155/Tisdale miscellaneous methods OGS Geoscience Laboratories 70
00117 CanTech AAS + Hg-CVAAS CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 12
00118 CanTech AAS + Hg-CVAAS + LOI CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 13
00119 GSC ICP-AES + ICP-MS GSC: Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 62
00120 Acme ICP-MS (1F-MS Basic Suite, with weight) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 38
00121 ActLabs INAA + ICP-AES + Hg CV-AAS + ICP-AES Sn fusion Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 57
00122 ActLabs INAA + ICP-AES(20) + Hg CV-AAS + ICP-AES Sn fusion Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 58
00123 ActLabs Bi hydride ICP-ES Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 1
00124 ActLabs INAA + ICP-AES(20) + Hg CV-AAS + ICP-MS Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 64
00125 ActLabs ICP-AES + Hg CV-AAS Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 8
00126 ActLabs ICP-AES (19 elements) [UNUSED] Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 19
00127 ActLabs INA, ICP-AES [UNUSED] Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 55
00128 Becquerel INAA (2003-2010) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 36
00129 ActLabs (1H2 + 1G2) (v2) INAA + ICP-AES + ICP-MS + Hg CV-AAS FIMS Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 61
00130 ActLabs (1H2) (v2) INAA + ICP-AES + ICP-MS Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 60
00131 OGS microprobe [UNUSED] OGS Geoscience Laboratories 17
00132 Barringer (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo), FLUOR (U), COL (As) Barringer 11
00133 GSC (URP lake sediment) LOI GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 1
00134 Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+ Mo), CVAAS (Hg), COL(As), LOI (vague description) Chemex Labs Limited 12
00135 AECL (URP lake and stream sediment) NADNC(U) (details unknown) Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Ottawa 1
00136 Bondar Clegg (URP surface water) FT (U) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 1
00137 Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+Mo), COL (W, dl=2 ppm) Chemex Labs Limited 10
00138 Chemex (URP surface water) FLUOR (U), ISE (F), pH (vague description) Chemex Labs Limited 3
00139 Acme 1F-MS Basic Suite (37 elements) 15g + REE Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 49
00140 Acme 1T-MS (41 elements + 14 REEs) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 55
00141 Chemex (URP surface water) ISE (F) Chemex Labs Limited 1
00142 Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+Mo+Ba), COL (W, dl=4 ppm) (vague) Chemex Labs Limited 11
00143 Barringer (URP surface water, YT, 1976) FLUOR (U), ISE (F), pH Barringer 3
00144 GSC (URP surface water) AAS(Zn) GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 1
00145 Barringer (URP surface water) FT (U), ISE (F), pH Barringer 3
00146 Chemex (lake sediment) CVAAS (Hg) Chemex Labs Limited 1
00147 Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo), CVAAS (Hg), COL (As), ISE (F), LOI Chemex Labs Limited 13
00148 Becquerel (NGR) INAA (34 elements, Au + Wt) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 35
00149 Becquerel (NGR) INAA Au reproducibility test  (cut off 8 ppb) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 4
00150 Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo), CVAAS (Hg), COL(As), LOI (detailed description) Chemex Labs Limited 12
00151 Bondar Clegg (URP surface water) FT (U) – collected NWT Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 1
00152 Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+Mo), CVAAS (Hg) Chemex Labs Limited 10
00153 BCDEMPR, W.M. Johnson (URP stream sediment) AAS (Sn), COL (W) BC DEMPR; W.M. Johnson 2
00154 AECL (URP lake and stream sediment) NADNC (U) Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Ottawa 1
00155 Chemex (URP surface water) FLUOR (U), ISE (F), pH Chemex Labs Limited 3
00156 Reconciliation of picked, probed and confirmed indicator mineral grain counts (ODM) No laboratory was required 18
00157 Acme 1F-MS + Sn, F Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 39
00158 Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+Mo+Ba), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W) Chemex Labs Limited 12
00159 Bondar Clegg (URP surface water) FLUOR(U), ISE (F), pH (1977) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 3
00160 Carleton University electron microprobe Microprobe laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa 17
00161 ODM IM processing (standard KIM and MMSIM procedure) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 45
00162 Field camp water measurements Field Camp laboratory 2
00163 GSC ion chromatography, plus ICP-MS GSC: Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 31
00164 ODM heavy mineral separation and VG counts (<2 mm fraction table processed; table runs kept separate) [UNUSED] Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 25
00165 ODM heavy mineral separation and VG counts (<1 mm fraction table processed; 1-2 mm fraction processed by methylene iodide) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 22
00166 I and M Morrison mineral identification 0.25-0.5 mm fraction; conditional 0.5-1.0 mm fraction identification I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia 117
00167 I and M Morrison mineral identification 0.25-0.5 mm fraction; conditional 0.5-1 mm and 1-2 mm fraction identification I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia 117
00168 GSC electron microprobe (14 oxides) (SPINEL + GARNET) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 15
00169 I and M Morrison mineral identification 0.25-0.5 mm fraction, occasional 0.5-1 mm fraction identification I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia 78
00170 Reconciliation of picked, probed and confirmed indicator mineral grain counts (Morrison/GSC, 1995) No laboratory was required 24
00171 Reconciliation of picked, probed and confirmed indicator mineral grain counts (Morrison/GSC, 1996) No laboratory was required 18
00172 ODM heavy mineral separation (<1 mm fraction table processed; 1-2 mm fraction processed by methylene iodide) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 13
00173 I and M Morrison mineral identification. 0.25-0.5 mm fraction I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia 39
00174 GSC electron microprobe (10 oxides) (GARNET) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 11
00175 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation and VG counts (<1 mm fraction table processed) [UNUSED] Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 10
00176 I and M Morrison mineral identification. 0.25-0.5 mm, 0.5-1 mm fraction I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia 78
00177 Canamera Geological Ltd. Sample processing and HMC separation (2 size fractions) Canamera Geological Ltd., North Vancouver, British Columbia 26
00178 I and M Morrison mineral identification (2 size fractions) I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia 12
00179 Canamera Geological Ltd. Sample processing and HMC separation (1 size fraction) Canamera Geological Ltd., North Vancouver, British Columbia 0
00292 ODM HMC separation Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 6
00293 Univ. Guelph proton microprobe Guelph Scanning Proton Microprobe (GSPM) 20
00294 Chemex (NGR lake sed 1983 samples) AAS (8+4), CVAAS (Hg), LOI500, U, ISE (F) Chemex Labs Limited 16
00295 Manitoba Gov't., Dept. of Environment(NGR surface water) (Fe dl = 20 ppb) WARD TSL, Manitoba Govt. Dept. of Environment 6
00296 ActLabs GSC TGI4 whole rock analysis (variant #1) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 90
00297 ActLabs GSC TGI4 whole rock analysis (variant #2) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 90
00298 ActLabs GSC TGI-4 whole rock analysis (variant #3) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 87
00299 ActLabs CO2 +FeO Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 2
00300 pXRF “Mining” and “Soil” modes GSC: Geological Survey of Canada personnel, in the field 19
00301 Bondar Clegg analyses + GSC major elements plus 6 trace elements [UNUSED] GSC/Bondar Clegg chemical analysis 0
00302 pXRF “Mining” and “Soil” modes; full suites GSC: Geological Survey of Canada personnel, in the field 74
00180 Diamond Indicator Processing, Thunder Bay Ontario (1 size fraction) Diamond Indicator Processing, Thunder Bay, Ontario 0
00181 Canamera Geological Ltd. + Diamond Indicator Processing Sample processing and HMC separation (2 size fractions) Canamera Geological Ltd/Diamond Indicator Processing 7
00182 ODM IM processing (standard KIM and MMSIM procedure), plus 100 grain count Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 71
00183 GSC electron microprobe (12 or 15 oxides) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 18
00184 GSC electron microprobe (15 oxides, incl. SO!sub!3!/sub!) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 16
00185 Canamera Geological Ltd. Sample processing and HMC separation (3 size fractions) Canamera Geological Ltd., North Vancouver, British Columbia 19
00186 I and M Morrison mineral identification (3 size fractions: 0.25/0.50/0.84) I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia 18
00187 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation and VG counts (<2 mm fraction table processed) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 18
00188 Consorminex Inc. mineral picking and identification-fine sand fraction (0.063-0.25 mm) Consorminex Inc. 29
00189 I and M Morrison mineral identification (3 size fractions: 0.25/0.50/1.00) Canamera Geological Ltd., North Vancouver, British Columbia 18
00190 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation and VG counts (<2 mm fraction table processed) M.I. separation (3.3 SG) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 18
00191 Consorminex Inc. mineral picking and identification-fine sand fraction (0.125-0.25 mm) Consorminex Inc. 21
00192 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation and VG counts (<2 mm fraction table processed); M.I. separation (3.2 SG)-0.25-2.00 mm fraction Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 15
00193 De Beers Indicator Mineral Picking DeBeers Kimlab, Kimberley, South Africa 36
00194 De Beers Electron Microprobe Analysis DeBeers Geoscience Center, Johannesburg, South Africa 10
00195 De Beers Heavy Mineral Separation and Sorting DeBeers Kimlab, Kimberley, South Africa 0
00196 IOS Services Geoscientifiques-magnetic separation and IM processing IOS Services Geoscientifics, Chicoutimi Quebec 10
00197 IOS Services Geoscientifiques/Laval University Electron Microprobe Analysis (Garnrg, Ilmerg, Pyrorg) IOS Services Geoscientifics, Chicoutimi Quebec 13
00198 IOS Services Geoscientifiques/Laval University Scanning Electron Microprobe Analysis IOS Services Geoscientifics, Chicoutimi Quebec 14
00199 IOS Services Geoscientifiques/Laval University Electron Microprobe Analysis (Garnrg, Ilmerg, Pyrorg, Olivpm) IOS Services Geoscientifics, Chicoutimi Quebec 14
00200 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation, VG counts (<2 mm fraction table processed) and Indicator mineral picking Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 19
00201 CANMET Electron Microprobe Analysis (11 major and minor oxides) Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology (CANMET) Laboratory 13
00202 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation (no gold grains picked) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 13
00203 I and M Morrison indicator mineral counts (0.25-0.5 mm, 0.5-1.0 mm, 1-2 mm) I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia 15
00204 GSC electron microprobe (17 oxides) (DIAMOND, SPINELS) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 17
00205 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation -Kimberlite Sample Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 8
00206 I and M Morrison indicator mineral counts-Kimberlite Sample I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia 10
00207 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation, VG counts (<1 mm fraction table processed) and indicator mineral picking Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 31
00208 Lakefield Research Indicator Mineral Picking Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ontario 12
00209 ODM Indicator Mineral picking-Kimberlite samples Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 12
00210 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation, VG counts (<1 mm fraction table processed) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 11
00211 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation, VG counts (<1.7 mm fraction) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 11
00212 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation, VG counts (<1.7 mm fraction-sieving) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 12
00213 Lakefield Research Indicator Mineral Picking (2 size fractions) Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ontario 8
00214 Overburden Drilling Management/Lakefield Research Laboratory Overburden Drilling Management (ODM) / Lakefield Research Nepean Ontario, and Lakefield, Ontario. 12
00215 GSC electron microprobe (15 oxides) (DIAMOND, OXIDE) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 15
00216 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation and VG counts (kimberlite boulders #3) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 17
00217 I and M Morrison indicator mineral counts (0.25-0.5 mm) (#1) I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia 5
00218 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation (kimberlite boulders #1) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 16
00219 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation (kimberlite boulders #2) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 8
00220 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation and VG counts (kimberlite boulders #4) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 17
00221 De Beers Canada Exploration Laboratory Sudbury, Canada. DeBeers Canada Exploration Laboratory, Sudbury, Canada 8
00222 ODM Indicator Mineral Identification (0.3-0.5 mm) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 6
00223 Carleton University electron microprobe group I and group II garnets Microprobe laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa 13
00224 I and M Morrison indicator mineral counts (0.25-0.5 mm) (#2) I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia 6
00225 ODM VG counts and estimated concentrations Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 9
00226 OGS electron microprobe OGS Geoscience Laboratories 14
00227 GSC Sed Lab grain size analysis (Camsizer and Lecotrac LT100) GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 28
00228 GSC Sed Lab carbon content GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 4
00229 GSC Sed Lab pH GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 1
00230 ODM HMC processing and Indicator Mineral Identification Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 63
00231 GSC electron microprobe (17 oxides) (#2) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 18
00232 ODM HMC processing and Indicator Mineral Identification (NGR KIM + MMSIM) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 75
00233 ODM HMC processing and Indicator Mineral Identification, with 100 grain count Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 72
00234 GSC electron microprobe laboratory (13 oxides) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 13
00235 GSC / Can Museum of Nature Electron Microprobe Laboratories GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 18
00236 ODM HMC Processing < 1mm fraction Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 12
00237 ODM HMC Processing and magnetic separation. KIM and MMSIM sorting Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 38
00238 ODM HMC Processing and VG counts  < 0.25 mm fraction Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 16
00239 ODM HMC Processing and VG counts Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 16
00240 ODM HMC Processing and VG counts-3 mineral ID Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 18
00241 GSC electron microprobe (10 oxides) (DIAMOND, PYROXENE) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 11
00242 OGS electron microprobe laboratory OGS Geoscience Laboratories 11
00243 GSC electron microprobe (17 oxides) (#3) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 18
00244 GSC/ACL XRF, LOI, Leco, ICP-ES, ICP-MS GSC: Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 69
00245 OGS XRF + ICP-MS + H2O, CO2, S OGS Geoscience Laboratories 61
00246 Acme 4B (inc 1DX), 2A Leco, 8 FeO, lattice water (1500°C) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 49
00247 ODM Heavy Mineral Separation (<2 mm fraction processed) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 21
00248 NTGO KIDD remapping No laboratory was required 12
00249 GSC electron microprobe (13 oxides) “SPINEL” GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 14
00250 GSC electron microprobe (11 oxides) “SILPYROX” GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 12
00251 GSC electron microprobe (10 oxides) “GARNET” GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 11
00252 ODM indicator mineral re-picking Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 71
00253 ODM HMC separation and KIM + MMSIM picking (+ hematite and pyrrhotite) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 211
00254 ODM EPD and KIM + MMSIM picking (+ hematite and pyrrhotite) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 197
00255 ODM 100 grain counts Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 25
00256 GSC OF 5117 volcanic rocks lithogeochemical compilation Unknown laboratory 71
00257 GSC OF 5117 granitoid rocks lithogeochemical compilation Unknown laboratory 40
00258 SIGÉOM lithogeochemical major oxides SIGÉOM 14
00259 GSC EPA3050B (modif) ICP-MS/ES GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 37
00260 GSC Sed Lab pH measurement GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 1
00261 GSC water leach ICP-MS/ES + pH GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 65
00262 GSC Sed Lab moisture and bulk density measurement GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 2
00263 GSC Sed Lab grain size analysis (Lecotrac LT100) GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 28
00264 GSC Sed Lab pH and conductivity measurement GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 2
00265 GSC field measurement of soil gas radon and permeability In-situ measurement 15
00266 GSC field measurement – ground gamma ray spectrometry In-situ measurement 3
00267 GSC lab measurement – gamma ray spectrometry GSC: Gamma Ray Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 4
00268 GSC (URP surface water) AAS (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd) GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 4
00269 GSC CXM In-situ measurement 1
00270 GSC pH and temperature (°F) In-situ measurement 2
00271 EMR Cl and SO!sub!4!/sub! Industrial Waters Section, Mines Branch, Energy Mines and Resources, Ottawa 2
00272 GSC spectrography (including B) and colorimetry GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 14
00273 GSC (URP surface water) AAS (Cu) GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 1
00274 Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+As+Mo), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W dl=2 ppm) Chemex Labs Limited 12
00275 ActLabs Ultratrace 2 – aqua regia (2010) (S dl = 0.001 %) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 62
00276 Acme 1F-MS (53 elements) (B dl=20 ppm, Ga dl=0.2 ppm, S dl=0.01%, W dl=0.1 ppm) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 53
00277 Becquerel INAA 33 elements (missing Ag, Se; Ba dl=40 ppm) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 34
00278 Acme ICPES near-total digestion, 34 elements Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 34
00279 Acme ICPES aqua regia, 29 elements + 6 by hydride evolution Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 29
00280 Acme ICPES aqua regia, hydride evolution Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 6
00281 Cantech AAS, 11 elements, total digestion CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 11
00282 Chittick analysis GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 2
00283 ActLabs INAA 35 elements Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 36
00284 Chemex ICP-AES (Hg 1 ppm) (32 elements) Chemex Labs Limited 32
00285 GSC/ACL major oxides + volatiles + 5 trace elements GSC: Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 22
00286 SRC / ODM heavy mineral concentration Saskatchewan Research Council / ODM 16
00287 SRC / Consorminex: IM picking Saskatchewan Research Council / Consorminex 29
00288 CANMET electron microprobe (10 oxides) Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology (CANMET) Laboratory 11
00289 SRC / CF heavy mineral separation and KIM picking Saskatchewan Research Council / CF Mineral Research Ltd. 4
00290 CF Mineral Research: IM picking CF Mineral Research Ltd., Kelowna, British Columbia 0
00291 GSC electron microprobe (15 oxides) GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 16
00303 NL Geochemical Laboratory ICP-ES analysis Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, Geochemical Laboratory 30
00304 BVM AQ250-EXT + REE (65 elements) Bureau Veritas Minerals 65
00305 ODM HMC separation (2014-2015) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 20
00306 ODM KIM picking (inc LCD) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 21
00307 ODM MMSIM picking Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 70
00308 BVM combined aqua regia and borate fusion suites Bureau Veritas Minerals 86
00309 Bondar Clegg (NGR BC stream sediment) AAS (8+6), Ba (XRF), CVAAS (Hg), W, LOI, F, U (10**12) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 20
00310 Chemex (NGR BC stream sediment and moss mat samples, 1988) Chemex Labs Limited 24
00311 Barringer Magenta (NGR BC stream sediment and moss mat samples, 1989) Barringer 23
00312 Barringer Magenta fire assay (Au) and weight Barringer 2
00313 ActLabs GSC TGI4 whole rock analysis (variant #4) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 87
00314 ActLabs GSC TGI4 whole rock analysis (variant #5) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 86
00315 Becquerel (NGR) INAA Au reproducibility test (cut off 3 ppb) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 4
00316 Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+Cd,Mo,V,Sn), CV (Hg), LOI, F, Bi, Se CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 17
00317 BVM Fire Assay Au, Pt, Pd Bureau Veritas Minerals 3
00318 BVM combined aqua regia and borate fusion suites + FA-ICPES Bureau Veritas Minerals 89
00319 ODM PGM picking Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 3
00320 ActLabs ICP-MS Ultratrace – aqua regia (2004) (Au dl = 0.2 ppb) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 59
00321 ActLabs ICP-MS Ultratrace – aqua regia (2006) (Au dl = 0.5 ppb) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 59
00322 ActLabs aqua regia ICP-ES (2003) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 34
00323 Actlabs Fire Assay – ICP-ES: Au, Pt, Pd Bureau Veritas Minerals 3
00324 ODM HMC separation (2003 North Baffin) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 15
00325 ODM HMC separation (2005 North Baffin) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 15
00326 Acme ICP-MS (1F-MS Basic Suite) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 37
00327 ODM HMC processing and Indicator Mineral Identification (NGR KIM + reduced MMSIM) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 76
00328 ActLabs aqua regia ICP-MS (59 elements, 2004) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 59
00329 ActLabs Au fire assay, INAA analysis Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 1
00330 ActLabs Fusion-XRF (major  + trace) + ICP-MS (aqua regia digestion) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 62
00331 ActLabs Fusion-XRF (major elements only) + ICP-MS (aqua regia digestion) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 56
00332 ActLabs INAA (10 elements) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 11
00333 ActLabs ICP-ES, total digestion (7 elements, including S); FeO by titration Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 8
00334 Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo), COL (As), LOI (detailed description) Chemex Labs Limited 11
00335 Saskatchewan Geological Survey, F and U in surface waters Saskatchewan Geological Survey 2
00336 Saskatchewan Geological Survey, U in lake sediments (unknown laboratory) Unknown laboratory 1
00337 GSC / Resource Geochemistry, surface water, U, pH, conductivity GSC: Resource Geochemistry Subdivision Laboratories, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 3
00338 GSC / Resource Geochemistry, surface water, Uranium GSC: Resource Geochemistry Subdivision Laboratories, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 1
00339 Barringer Magenta Dionex Barringer 5
00340 GSC / Resource Geochemistry, surface water, organic carbon (dl= 1 ppm) GSC: Resource Geochemistry Subdivision Laboratories, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 1
00341 In-situ (NGR surface water, Martek) cond, temp, O2, pH, Eh In-situ measurement 5
00342 Atomic emission spectrography of lake water Unknown laboratory 5
00343 Bondar Clegg AAS (7 elements), plus As by colorimetry Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 8
00344 GSC Resource Geochemistry lake sediment analysis, Bear-Slave Operation GSC: Resource Geochemistry Subdivision Laboratories, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 29
00345 XRAL XRF (7 elements and 10 oxides), LOI950 X-Ray Assay Laboratories, Toronto (XRAL) 18
00346 GSC CXM (upper dl = 20 ppm) In-situ measurement 1
00347 GSC pH and temperature (°C) In-situ measurement 2
00348 GSC Total Metal (Zn equiv) in water In-situ measurement 1
00349 GSC spectrography (including Ba) and colorimetry GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 14
00350 EMR surface water analysis Industrial Waters Section, Mines Branch, Energy Mines and Resources, Ottawa 20
00351 Atomic emission spectrography of heavy mineral concentrates Unknown laboratory 26
00352 GSC lithogeochemical analysis of 22 elements GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 22
00353 GSC AAS (7 elements by near-total acid attack; 2 by sulphide-selective cold leach) GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 9
00354 Acme ICP-MS (1F-MS Basic Suite + 4B (Sn)) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 39
00355 Acme ICP-MS (1F 53 elements) + F (ISE) + LOI Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 55
00356 Acme whole rock analysis (11 oxides and 7 minor elements by ICP-ES; LOI; C and S by Leco) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 22
00357 Acme 1F-MS Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 37
00358 XRAL XRF (11) + LOI (calc) X-Ray Assay Laboratories, Toronto (XRAL) 12
00359 Acme VG101-EXT + REE (65 elements) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 65
00360 ActLabs INA (34 elements) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 35
00361 ActLabs INA (36 elements) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 37
00362 Acme 4A-4B, 2A Leco, 1F30 (117 parameters) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 117
00363 Acme 1T-MS (46 elements + 14 REEs) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 60
00364 Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo+As), LOI Chemex Labs Limited 11
00365 Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo+V+As), LOI Chemex Labs Limited 12
00366 Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo+As), ISE (F), LOI Chemex Labs Limited 12
00367 GSC (URP lake and stream sediment) LOI GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 1
00368 Barringer (URP surface water, BC, 1978) FLUOR (U), ISE (F), pH Barringer 3
00369 Chemex (URP stream and lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo), COL (W, dl=4 ppm) Chemex Labs Limited 10
00370 Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+Mo), COL (W) Chemex Labs Limited 10
00371 Chemex / (CLAS) GSC (URP stream sediment) Ba, Yukon, 1979 Chemex, Vancouver / GSC (CLAS), Ottawa, Ontario (1978/9) 1
00372 AECL (URP lake and stream sediment) NADNC (U) 20s irradiation, 20s count Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Ottawa 1
00373 Nuclear Activation Services Limited (lake sediment), Au Nuclear Activation Services Limited, Hamilton, Ontario 1
00374 Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+As+Mo), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W, dl=4 ppm) Chemex Labs Limited 12
00375 Novatrack Analysts Limited (URP stream sediment) NADNC(U) Novatrack Limited, Vancouver 1
00376 Bondar Clegg (URP surface water) FLUOR (U), ISE (F), pH (1978-1981) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 3
00377 Min-En Laboratories Limited (URP surface water) FLUOR (U), ISE (F), pH Min-En Laboratories Limited, North Vancouver, British Columbia 3
00378 Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+As+Mo+Sb), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W) Chemex Labs Limited 13
00379 Bondar Clegg (stream sediments) AAS (8+Mo+V), COL (W), ISE (F)+ XRF (Ba), LOI Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 14
00380 Nova Track Ltd (stream sediments) NADNC Uranium Novatrack Limited, Vancouver 1
00381 GSC (stream sediments) AAS (As+ Sb+Cd+Ba), CVAAS (Hg), COL (P!sub!2!/sub!O!sub!5!/sub!) GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 6
00382 GSC (surface water) Zn, Mn, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, NO3, PO4, SO4, Cl, U, F, pH, alk GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 15
00383 XRAL (NGR lake sediments) XRF (CO2, C-org, 5 elements and 11 oxides), LOI900 X-Ray Assay Laboratories, Toronto (XRAL) 19
00384 GSC (NGR surface water) AAS (7)), U, C-org, Cl, Br, NO3, SO4, PO4, F, pH, alk GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 17
00385 In-situ (NGR surface water, Martek) cond, temp, O2, pH In-situ measurement 4
00386 Chemex (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+4), CVAAS (Hg), LOI500, U Chemex Labs Limited 15
00387 Chemex (NGR lake sediment, 1982 samples) AAS (8+4), CVAAS (Hg), LOI500, U, ISE (F) Chemex Labs Limited 16
00388 Acme (NGR surface water) LIF (U), ISE (F), pH Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 3
00389 Manitoba Gov't., Dept. of Environment (NGR surface water) (Fe dl = 30 ppb) WARD TSL, Manitoba Govt. Dept. of Environment 6
00390 Chemex (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+3), cold vapour (Hg), COL (W), NADNC(U) Chemex Labs Limited 14
00391 Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CV (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, ISE (F), NADNC (U) Barringer 18
00392 Barringer (NGR surface water) LIF (U), ISE (F), pH (glass-calomel electrode meter) Barringer 3
00393 Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CV (Hg), LOI500,  NADNC (U) Barringer 16
00394 Barringer (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+6), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, NADNC (U) Barringer 18
00395 Novatrack Analysts Ltd (NGR lake sediment) fire assay (Au) + Wt Novatrack Limited, Vancouver 2
00396 Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, ISE (F), NADNC (U) Barringer 18
00397 Barringer (NGR surface water) LIF (U), ISE (F) and pH (Broadley-James meter) Barringer 3
00398 Barringer (NGR stream sediment, NB, 1985) AAS (8+7), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, ISE (F), U Barringer 20
00399 Chemex (NGR lake or stream sediment) fire assay (Au) and weight Chemex Labs Limited 2
00400 Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+Cd+As+Mo+V+Sb), CVAAS (Hg), LOI500, ISE (F), NADNC(U) Barringer 17
00401 Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), LOI500, NADNC(U) Barringer 16
00402 Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (Sb, hydride evolution) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 1
00403 Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), U Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 16
00404 Chemex (NGR surface water) LIF (U), ISE (F) and pH Chemex Labs Limited 3
00405 Barringer (NGR stream sediment, BC, 1985) AAS (8+7), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, ISE (F), U Barringer 20
00406 Barringer (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+7, CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, ISE (F), U Barringer 20
00407 Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (Sb), ISE (F) Barringer 2
00408 Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (Sb) Barringer 1
00409 Barringer (NGR stream sediment) AAS (Cd+As+Sn+Sb+Mo+V), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, ISE (F), U Barringer 18
00410 Barringer (NGR surface water) ISE (F), pH Barringer 2
00411 Barringer (NGR surface water) FLUOR (U) Barringer 1
00412 Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+7), CVAAS (Hg), W, LOI, F, U Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 20
00413 Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, F, U(5**10) Barringer 17
00414 Barringer (NGR surface water) LIF (U), ISE (F), pH, ICP (Ca, Mg), Alk Barringer 6
00415 Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, U(5**10) Barringer 16
00416 Chemex (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI, NADNC (U-5**10) Chemex Labs Limited 17
00417 Chemex (NGR stream sediment)  AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI, NADNC (U-5**10) Chemex Labs Limited 17
00418 Bondar Clegg (NGR surface water) LIF (U), ISE (F), pH Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 3
00419 Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, F, U(5**10, He detector, 20s, d.l.=0.5) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 17
00420 Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) 33 element +Au + Wt Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 35
00421 Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS 8+6+Ba (HCLO!sub!4!/sub! only)), CVAAS (Hg),W, LOI, F, U(10**12) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 20
00422 Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+6), Ba (HClO!sub!4!/sub! only), CVAAS (Hg), W, LOI, F, U(10**12) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 20
00423 Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, F, U(10**12) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 17
00424 Chemex (NGR surface water) LIF (U), ISE (F), ICP (Ca, Mg), pH and Alk (d.l.=1) Chemex Labs Limited 6
00425 Chemex (NGR surface water) LIF (U), ISE (F), ICP (Ca, Mg), pH and Alk (d.l.=2) Chemex Labs Limited 6
00426 Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+6), DCP (Ba), CVAAS (Hg), W, LOI, F, U Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 20
00427 Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+6), DCP (Ba), CV (Hg), COL (W), LOI at 500°C, F, U Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 20
00428 Chemex (NGR surface water) LIF (U), ISE (F), AAS (Ca, Mg), pH and Alk (d.l.=1) Chemex Labs Limited 6
00429 Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CV (Hg), LOI at 500°C, F, U - 10**12 flux Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 17
00430 Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+6), DCP (Ba), CV (Hg), LOI, W, F, U Barringer 20
00431 GSC (NGR surface water) Ca, Mg, F, pH, Alk GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 5
00432 Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+7), CV (Hg), LOI, W, F, U Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 20
00433 Bondar Clegg (NGR surface water) ICP (9), U, F, pH, alk Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 13
00434 Bondar Clegg / Becquerel (NGR lake or stream sediment) INAA-flux 1x10**11 (33 elements, Au + Wt) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 35
00435 Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+7), CV (Hg), LOI, W, F, Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 19
00436 Acme, (NGR lake sediment) Au, Pt, Pd Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 3
00437 Chemex (NGR surface water) LIF (U), ISE (F), pH, alk Chemex Labs Limited 4
00438 Bondar Clegg / Becquerel (NGR lake or stream sediment) INAA-flux 1x10**11 (Au + Wt) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 2
00439 Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+6), CV (Hg), LOI, F, U Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 18
00440 Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+3+(Mo+V: 2.5 ml conc)), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, F, U(10**12) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 17
00441 Bondar Clegg / Becquerel (NGR lake sediment) INAA-flux 5.3x10**11 (33 elements, Au + Wt) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 35
00442 Bondar Clegg / Becquerel (NGR lake sediment) INAA-flux 5.3x10**11 (Au + Wt) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 2
00443 Bondar Clegg / Becquerel (NGR lake sediment) INAA-flux 1x10**11, counting 15 min (33 elements, Au + Wt) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 35
00444 ActLabs (NGR stream sediment) INAA (34 elements, Au + Wt) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 36
00445 ActLabs (NGR stream sediment) INAA (Au + Wt) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 2
00446 Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment, YT, 1990) AAS (8+4), CV (Hg), LOI, F Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 15
00447 Barringer (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+4), CV (Hg), LOI, F, Sn Barringer 15
00448 Bondar Clegg / unknown subcontractors (NGR lake sediment) INAA (33 elements, Au + Wt) Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 35
00449 Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+3), CV (Hg), LOI, F Barringer 14
00450 Becquerel (NGR lake or stream sediment) INAA (33 elements, Au + Wt) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 35
00451 Cantech (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+3), CV (Hg - d.l.=5 ppb), LOI, F [UNUSED] CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 14
00452 Cantech (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+3), CV (Hg), LOI, F [UNUSED] CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 14
00453 Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8 + Cd, Mo (dl=2 ppm), V, Sn), CV (Hg), LOI, F CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 15
00454 Cantech (NGR surface water) LIF (U), ISE (F), pH CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 3
00455 ActLabs (NGR stream sediment) ICP-ES - HMC (8 elements) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 8
00456 Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+4), CV(Hg), LOI, F CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 15
00457 Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (Bi, Se; flameless) CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 2
00458 Becquerel (NGR lake or stream sediment) INAA (Au + Wt) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 2
00459 Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+4), CV (Hg), LOI CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 14
00460 Cantech (NGR lake sediment) AAS(8+Cd,Mo,V), CV(Hg - d.l. 5ppb), LOI, F [UNUSED] CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 14
00461 Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+4), CV (Hg – d.l. 5 ppb), LOI, F [UNUSED] CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 15
00462 Becquerel (NGR lake or stream sediment) INAA (33+Au + wt) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 35
00463 Acme (NGR stream sediment) ICP-MS / ICP-ES (35 elements, W, d.l.=0.2 ppm), Sn, LOI Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 37
00464 Cantech (NGR surface water) pH and conductivity CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 2
00465 GSC (NGR surface water) ICP-MS (U) GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 1
00466 Acme 1F-MS Basic Suite (37 elements) 1g Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 38
00467 Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+3), CV (Hg), LOI, F Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 14
00468 Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment, NU, 1995) AAS (8+4), CV (Hg), LOI, F Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 15
00469 Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+Cd, Mo, V), CV (Hg - d.l.=5 ppb), LOI, F Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 14
00470 Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+4), CV(Hg – d.l.=5 ppb), LOI, F Bondar Clegg and Company Limited 15
00471 Acme (NGR stream sediment) ICP-MS (35+Au), LOI Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 37
00472 GSC (NGR surface water) ICP-MS (31 elements), ICP-ES (7 elements) GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 38
00473 Cantech (NGR surface water, BC, 2000) pH, U, F, sulphate CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 4
00474 ActLabs (NGR stream sediment) INAA (34 elements, Au + Wt) (Rb, d.l.= 15) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 36
00475 GSC Ottawa, FA/ICP-MS (Pt, Pd) GSC: Analytical Method Development Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 2
00476 Acme (NGR stream sediment) ICP-MS / ICP-ES (35 elements, W, d.l.=0.1 ppm), Sn, LOI Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 37
00477 Cantech (NGR surface water) pH and conductivity [UNUSED] CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 2
00478 Acme (NGR stream sediment) ICP-MS/ICP-ES (35+Au), LOI Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 37
00479 Cantech (NGR stream sediments) ISE (F) CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 1
00480 Cantech (NGR surface water, BC, 2001) pH, U, F, sulphate CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 4
00481 Becquerel (NGR stream sediment) INAA (32 + Au) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 34
00482 Acme (NGR stream sediment) ICP-MS / ICP-ES (35 elements), LOI, Sn, F Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 38
00483 Acme (NGR stream sediment) ICP-MS / ICP-ES- HMC (36 elements), Sn, F Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 38
00484 GSC/ACL (NGR surface water) ICP-MS (25) GSC: Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 25
00485 Acme (NGR stream sediment) ICP-MS / ICP-ES (35 elements, W, d.l.=0.1 ppm), LOI Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 36
00486 GSC/ACL (NGR surface water) Ion Chromatography (6 ions), ICP-MS (25) GSC: Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 31
00487 Becquerel (NGR stream sediment) INAA (33 + Au) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 35
00488 Field Camp (surface water) pH and Conductivity Field Camp laboratory 2
00489 Acme (NGR stream sediment) ICP-MS / ICP-ES (35 elements), LOI, Sn (LiBO!sub!2!/sub! fusion), F Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 38
00490 Becquerel (NGR stream and lake sediments) INAA (34 + Au) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 36
00491 Acme (NGR stream and lake sediments) ICP-MS / ICP-ES (35 elements, Ga, d.l.=0.1; S, d.l.=0.02;W, d.l.=0.1 ppm) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 35
00492 Becquerel (NGR stream sediment) INAA (25 + Au) Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario 27
00493 Acme (NGR stream sediment) ICP-MS / ICP-ES (36 elements + Au, Ga, d.l.=0.2; S, d.l.=0.01;W, d.l.=0.2 ppm) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 39
00494 Field Camp (NGR surface water) pH and Conductivity Field Camp laboratory 2
00495 Cantech (NGR surface water) ICP-MS(U), Ion Chromatography (F) CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 2
00496 Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8 + Cd, Mo (dl=1ppm), V, Sn), CV (Hg), LOI, F CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta 15
00497 Acme 4A-4B, 2A Leco, 1F30, 1T-MS (177 parameters) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 177
00498 Acme 4A-4B, 2A Leco, 1F30, 1T-MS (172 parameters) Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver 172
00499 GSC Sed Lab carbon and carbonate, with LOI by ashing GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 7
00500 ActLabs 1H (Au+48) and 1C-EXP2 (Au, Pt, Pd) Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario 53
00501 GSC Sed Lab carbon and carbonate GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 7
00502 GSC Sed Lab LOI, inorganic carbon and carbonate GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa 5
00503 ODM HMC separation and KIM + MMSIM picking (<3.0, 3.0-3.2, > 3.2) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 47
00504 ODM HMC separation and KIM + MMSIM picking (<3.2, > 3.2) Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) 46
00505 OGS microprobe Electron Microprobe Laboratory, Ontario Geological Survey, Sudbury 29
00506 BVM INAA Bureau Veritas Minerals 36
00507 BVM AQ250 (65 elements) Bureau Veritas Minerals 65
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