Survey Metadata

NGR stream, Indicator minerals



NGR stream sediment and water survey, NTS 84B, 84C, 84F, 84G, Buffalo Head Hills area, northern Alberta, 2001.

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Extended Metadata

Survey Description

Stream sediments and water samples were collected at 39 sites in 2001 in the Buffalo Head Hills area, northern Alberta.

The data are published in GSC Open File 1790.  This publication also contains kimberlite indicator mineral data from heavy mineral concentrates, silt data from heavy mineral concentrates and an expanded suite of elements for stream waters.

This survey was carried out using National Geochemical Reconnaissance (NGR) protocols.

Analytical Procedure

NGR stream sediment, water and HMC

At each site a pre-labelled Kraft paper bag was two-thirds filled with silt or fine sand collected from the active stream channel.  In practice, the silt sample was collected after water samples were collected but before a bulk sediment sample.  Handfuls of silt from various points in the active stream channel were collected while gradually moving upstream.  A moss mat sample was sometimes collected when a suitable sample was scarce or absent.

At every site, waters were sampled mid-channel, from flowing water where possible.  At sites where sediments were taken for heavy mineral concentration (approximately every second site) two water samples were generally collected.  Samples were collected in 125 mL Nalgene bottles.  The bottles were rinsed two or three times before collecting the sample.

Material for heavy mineral concentrates was collected from the upstream points of mid-channel bars, at a single point where possible.  Material was wet-sieved through a 12-mesh stainless steel sieve into a 5-gallon plastic pail lined with a heavy-duty plastic bag until a sample weight of 10-15 kg was attained.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Friske, P.W.B., Prior, G.J., McNeil, R.J., McCurdy, M.W., Day, S.J.A. (2003). National Geochemical Reconnaissance (NGR) stream sediment and water survey in the Buffalo Head Hills area, northern Alberta (parts of NTS 84B, 84C, 84F and 84G) including analytical, mineralogical and kimberlite indicator mineral data from silts, heavy mineral concentrates and waters. Alberta Energy and Utilities Board – Alberta Geological Survey Special Report 66 / Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1790. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 2001-2006 Buffalo Head Hills area, northern Alberta stream sediment and water survey, 2001-2005 ( more)

Downloadable Files

Index Description Size (bytes)
Copy of CD-ROM for GSC Open File 1790 ( FileID=363 download )

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
56.75° 57.5° -116° -115°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers parts of NTS 84B and 84G in the Buffalo Head Hills area of northern Alberta.


Buffalo Head Hills;    fluvial environment;    geochemical surveys;    geochemistry;    heavy minerals;    hydrochemistry;    KIM;    mineral exploration;    mineral resources;    regional geochemistry;    streams;    stream sediments

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