
Aqua Regia (s.l.)

Keyword Definition

Strictly speaking, aqua regia is a mixture of 3 parts HCl to 1 part HNO3.  However, in common usage, it refers to any mixture of HCl and HNO3.  The mixture has a strong oxidizing power due to the formation of nascent chlorine and nitrosyl chloride.

HNO3 + HCl → NOCl + 2H2O + 2(Cl)

NOCl → NO + (Cl)

Hierarchical classification

Decomposition >> Aqueous dissolution >> Acid >> Moderate Acid >> Aqua Regia (s.l.)


Aqua Regia (s.s.) | Lefort | Aqua Regia (Acme/BVM) | Aqua regia (NGR) | Aqua regia (NASGLP)

Category: Decomposition techniques

The different kinds of analytical decompositions have been classified hierarchically.Examples: “fusion”, “acid”Taken from the “Analytical_Decompositions_SHARED” database table.

Index Suite ID Suite Name
1  12     Chemex/TSD 2 micron CV-AAS
2  94     Chemex ICP-AES (Hg ppm) (32 elements)
3  95     Chemex/TSD ICP-AES/MS ? (38 elements)
4  96     Chemex/TSD ICP-AES/MS ? (24 elements)
5  99     Chemex ICP-AES (Hg ppb, Cd:0.05, La:0.5) (32 elements)
6  114     Bondar-Clegg Cu, Pb, Zn AAS
7  115     Bondar-Clegg Mn, Fe AAS
8  120     Chemex As HY-AAS
9  140     Chemex ICP-AES (Hg ppb, Cd:0.5, La:10) (32 elements)
10  141     Bondar Clegg ICP-AES (38 elements)
11  142     Bondar Clegg ICP-AES (31 elements)
12  175     Barringer (lake sediments) AAS (Mo; nitrous oxide-acetylene) (vague)
13  177     Barringer (lake sediments) FLUOR (U)
14  179     Chemex (lake sediments) AAS (Mo; nitrous oxide-acetylene) (vague)
15  180     Chemex (lake sediments) CVAAS (Hg) (vague)
16  205     Chemex (lake and stream sediments) AAS (Mo; nitrous oxide-acetylene)
17  206     Chemex (lake and stream sediments) CVAAS (Hg)
18  336     AAS (Mo, V (dl=5); nitrous oxide acetylene)
19  347     Chemex (lake and stream sediments) AAS (As; hydride generation)
20  402     Barringer (lake and stream sediment) AAS (Mo, V; nitrous oxide-acetylene)
21  408     Barringer (lake and stream sediment) CVAAS (Hg)
22  411     Barringer (stream sediment) AAS (8 elements + Cd; air acetylene)
23  412     Barringer (stream sediment) AAS (As, Sb; hydride evolution)
24  414     Chemex AAS (As; hydride evolution) (details not specified explicitly)
25  423     Bondar Clegg (stream sediment) AAS (8 + Cd; air acetylene) ( Mn upper dl = 20,000 ppm)
26  424     Bondar Clegg (stream sediment) AAS (As; hydride evolution)
27  425     Bondar Clegg (stream sediment) AAS (Mo; nitrous oxide-acetylene)
28  426     Bondar Clegg (lake and stream sediment) CVAAS (Hg)
29  433     Barringer (stream sediment) AAS (As; hydride evolution)
30  435     Bondar Clegg (lake and stream sediment) AAS (Mo,V; nitrous oxide acetylene)
31  443     Chemex AAS (As; hydride evolution) decomp: 6 ml - 4 HCl 1 HNO3
32  445     Chemex (stream sediment) AAS (8 + Cd; air acetylene)
33  446     Chemex (stream sediment) AAS (As; hydride evolution)
34  454     Chemex (lake sediment) AAS (As, Sb; hydride evolution) decomp: 6 ml - 4 HCl 1 HNO3
35  467     Bondar Clegg (lake and stream sediment) CV(Hg) -  5ml conc. HNO3, 0.3ml conc. HCL
36  480     Bondar Clegg (lake sediment) Mo + V (2.5ml conc)
37  482     Bondar Clegg (lake sediment) Cr-T
38  496     Cantech (lake and stream sediment) AAS (Mo (dl 2 ppm), V; nitrous oxide-acetylene)
39  497     Cantech (lake and stream sediment) CVAAS (Hg)
40  500     Cantech (lake and stream sediment) AAS (Mo dl = 2 ppm, V; nitrous oxide-acetylene)-reacted overnight at room temperature
41  501     Cantech (stream sediment) AAS (8 elements + Cd; air acetylene)
42  506     ActLabs (stream sediment) ICP-ES (8 elements)
43  507     Cantech (stream sediment) AAS (Bi, Se; flameless)
44  509     Cantech (lake and stream sediment) CVAAS (Hg) d.l. 5
45  517     Bondar Clegg (lake and stream sediment) AAS (Mo, V; nitrous oxide-acetylene)-reacted overnight at room temperature
46  518     Bondar Clegg (lake and stream sediment) CVAAS (Hg) d.l.=5 ppb
47  546     Cantech (lake and stream sediment) AAS (Mo (dl 1 ppm), V (dl 10 ppm); nitrous oxide-acetylene)
48  548     ActLabs ICP-MS 59 elements (part of the Ultratrace aqua regia package) (Au dl = 0.2 ppb)
49  549     ActLabs ICP-ES 34 elements
50  588     ActLabs ICP-MS 59 elements (part of the Ultratrace 2 aqua regia package) (Au dl = 0.5 ppb)
51  589     ActLabs ICP-ES 3 elements (Ti, P, S) (part of the Ultratrace 2 aqua regia package)
52  602     Chemex ICP-AES (Hg: 1 ppm, Cd:0.5, La:10) (32 elements)
53  612     Chemex AAS (Mo, V (dl=10); nitrous oxide acetylene)
54  614     Geoscience Labs, (OGS) MRD123 Lithogeochemical Database: arsenic by ICP-AES, aqua regia digestion
55  623     Geoscience Labs, (OGS) MRD123 Lithogeochemical Database: Hg by CV-AFS, following aqua regia digestion
56  632     ActLabs 4Lithores Quant option (5 elements)
57  646     Bondar Clegg (stream sediment) AAS (8 + Cd; air acetylene) (Mn upper dl unbounded)
58  672     NGR BC AAS stream sediments and moss mats (As)
59  673     NGR BC AAS stream sediments and moss mats (Hg)
60  685     Bondar Clegg (stream sediment) AAS (8 + Cd; air acetylene) (Mn – no upper dl)
61  693     ActLabs ICP-MS 59 elements (circa 2005) (Au dl = 2 ppb)
62  713     Analysis of 7 elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, Mo, Ni, Mn, Ag) by AAS following an aqua regia digestion
63  715     GSC atomic absorption spectroscopy:4 elements: Zn, Ag, Mn, Li
64  716     GSC cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy: Hg
65  717     GSC: uranium by fluorometry
66  755     Cantech (lake and stream sediment) AAS (Mo (dl 1ppm), V (dl 5 ppm); nitrous oxide-acetylene)

Index Package ID Package Name
1  9     Chemex / TSD 2 micron (1)
2  33     Chemex / TSD 2 micron (6)
3  34     Chemex / TSD 63 micron (2)
4  61     Chemex ICP-AES (Hg ppm)
5  63     Chemex ICP ? (1999-2000)
6  64     Chemex ICP ? (2001)
7  67     Chemex ICP-AES (Hg ppb)
8  69     Bondar Clegg Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe, U_fl
9  70     Bondar Clegg Cu, Pb, Zn, U_fl
10  78     Chemex Au-AFS, As-AAS, Pt, Pd
11  93     Chemex ICP-AES (Hg ppb) (31 elements)
12  94     Bondar Clegg ICP-AES (38 elements)
13  95     Bondar Clegg ICP-AES (31 elements)
14  96     Chemex ICP-AES + Hg CV-AAS
15  98     Bondar Clegg ICP-AES (38 elements) + Hg CV-AAS
16  99     Bondar Clegg ICP-AES (31 elements) + Hg CV-AAS
17  104     OGS / MRD123 miscellaneous methods
18  132     Barringer (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo), FLUOR (U), COL (As)
19  134     Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+ Mo), CVAAS (Hg), COL(As), LOI (vague description)
20  137     Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+Mo), COL (W, dl=2 ppm)
21  142     Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+Mo+Ba), COL (W, dl=4 ppm) (vague)
22  146     Chemex (lake sediment) CVAAS (Hg)
23  147     Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo), CVAAS (Hg), COL (As), ISE (F), LOI
24  150     Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo), CVAAS (Hg), COL(As), LOI (detailed description)
25  152     Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+Mo), CVAAS (Hg)
26  158     Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+Mo+Ba), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W)
27  274     Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+As+Mo), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W dl=2 ppm)
28  275     ActLabs Ultratrace 2 – aqua regia (2010) (S dl = 0.001 %)
29  284     Chemex ICP-AES (Hg 1 ppm) (32 elements)
30  294     Chemex (NGR lake sed 1983 samples) AAS (8+4), CVAAS (Hg), LOI500, U, ISE (F)
31  296     ActLabs GSC TGI4 whole rock analysis (variant #1)
32  309     Bondar Clegg (NGR BC stream sediment) AAS (8+6), Ba (XRF), CVAAS (Hg), W, LOI, F, U (10**12)
33  310     Chemex (NGR BC stream sediment and moss mat samples, 1988)
34  311     Barringer Magenta (NGR BC stream sediment and moss mat samples, 1989)
35  314     ActLabs GSC TGI4 whole rock analysis (variant #5)
36  316     Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+Cd,Mo,V,Sn), CV (Hg), LOI, F, Bi, Se
37  320     ActLabs ICP-MS Ultratrace – aqua regia (2004) (Au dl = 0.2 ppb)
38  321     ActLabs ICP-MS Ultratrace – aqua regia (2006) (Au dl = 0.5 ppb)
39  322     ActLabs aqua regia ICP-ES (2003)
40  328     ActLabs aqua regia ICP-MS (59 elements, 2004)
41  334     Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo), COL (As), LOI (detailed description)
42  343     Bondar Clegg AAS (7 elements), plus As by colorimetry
43  344     GSC Resource Geochemistry lake sediment analysis, Bear-Slave Operation
44  364     Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo+As), LOI
45  365     Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo+V+As), LOI
46  366     Chemex (URP lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo+As), ISE (F), LOI
47  369     Chemex (URP stream and lake sediment) AAS (8+Mo), COL (W, dl=4 ppm)
48  370     Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+Mo), COL (W)
49  374     Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+As+Mo), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W, dl=4 ppm)
50  378     Chemex (URP stream sediment) AAS (8+As+Mo+Sb), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W)
51  386     Chemex (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+4), CVAAS (Hg), LOI500, U
52  387     Chemex (NGR lake sediment, 1982 samples) AAS (8+4), CVAAS (Hg), LOI500, U, ISE (F)
53  390     Chemex (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+3), cold vapour (Hg), COL (W), NADNC(U)
54  391     Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CV (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, ISE (F), NADNC (U)
55  393     Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CV (Hg), LOI500,  NADNC (U)
56  394     Barringer (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+6), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, NADNC (U)
57  396     Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, ISE (F), NADNC (U)
58  398     Barringer (NGR stream sediment, NB, 1985) AAS (8+7), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, ISE (F), U
59  400     Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+Cd+As+Mo+V+Sb), CVAAS (Hg), LOI500, ISE (F), NADNC(U)
60  401     Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), LOI500, NADNC(U)
61  403     Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), U
62  405     Barringer (NGR stream sediment, BC, 1985) AAS (8+7), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, ISE (F), U
63  406     Barringer (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+7, CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI500, ISE (F), U
64  409     Barringer (NGR stream sediment) AAS (Cd+As+Sn+Sb+Mo+V), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, ISE (F), U
65  412     Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+7), CVAAS (Hg), W, LOI, F, U
66  413     Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, F, U(5**10)
67  415     Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, U(5**10)
68  416     Chemex (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI, NADNC (U-5**10)
69  417     Chemex (NGR stream sediment)  AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), COL (W), LOI, NADNC (U-5**10)
70  419     Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, F, U(5**10, He detector, 20s, d.l.=0.5)
71  421     Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS 8+6+Ba (HCLO4 only)), CVAAS (Hg),W, LOI, F, U(10**12)
72  422     Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+6), Ba (HClO4 only), CVAAS (Hg), W, LOI, F, U(10**12)
73  423     Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, F, U(10**12)
74  426     Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+6), DCP (Ba), CVAAS (Hg), W, LOI, F, U
75  427     Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+6), DCP (Ba), CV (Hg), COL (W), LOI at 500°C, F, U
76  429     Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+5), CV (Hg), LOI at 500°C, F, U - 10**12 flux
77  430     Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+6), DCP (Ba), CV (Hg), LOI, W, F, U
78  432     Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+7), CV (Hg), LOI, W, F, U
79  435     Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+7), CV (Hg), LOI, W, F,
80  439     Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+6), CV (Hg), LOI, F, U
81  440     Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+3+(Mo+V: 2.5 ml conc)), CVAAS (Hg), LOI, F, U(10**12)
82  446     Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment, YT, 1990) AAS (8+4), CV (Hg), LOI, F
83  447     Barringer (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+4), CV (Hg), LOI, F, Sn
84  449     Barringer (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+3), CV (Hg), LOI, F
85  451     Cantech (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+3), CV (Hg - d.l.=5 ppb), LOI, F [UNUSED]
86  452     Cantech (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+3), CV (Hg), LOI, F [UNUSED]
87  453     Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8 + Cd, Mo (dl=2 ppm), V, Sn), CV (Hg), LOI, F
88  455     ActLabs (NGR stream sediment) ICP-ES - HMC (8 elements)
89  456     Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+4), CV(Hg), LOI, F
90  457     Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (Bi, Se; flameless)
91  459     Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+4), CV (Hg), LOI
92  460     Cantech (NGR lake sediment) AAS(8+Cd,Mo,V), CV(Hg - d.l. 5ppb), LOI, F [UNUSED]
93  461     Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+4), CV (Hg – d.l. 5 ppb), LOI, F [UNUSED]
94  467     Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+3), CV (Hg), LOI, F
95  468     Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment, NU, 1995) AAS (8+4), CV (Hg), LOI, F
96  469     Bondar Clegg (NGR lake sediment) AAS (8+Cd, Mo, V), CV (Hg - d.l.=5 ppb), LOI, F
97  470     Bondar Clegg (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8+4), CV(Hg – d.l.=5 ppb), LOI, F
98  496     Cantech (NGR stream sediment) AAS (8 + Cd, Mo (dl=1ppm), V, Sn), CV (Hg), LOI, F
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