Project Metadata

Beaumier, M.; Leduc, M.; Charbonneau, J.-M.; Otis, M.; Kirouac, F.


Stream sediment and soil sampling surveys, Abitibi region, Quebec, 1980-1983.

Project Description

The following geochemical surveys were carried out in the Abitibi region:


Medium Year of Collection Publication
stream sediment 1980 DP-844
soil 1980 GM-39884
stream sediment 1980 DP-83-15
soil 1982 MB 85-35
soil 1983 MB 85-69
soil 1980 MB 86-17
soil 1978 and 1982 MB 86-68
stream sediment 1982 DP-86-20
soil 1982 MB 86-80



Survey History

Index Survey
1 Stream sediment sampling survey, NTS 32G/11, 14, Dolomieu (½E) and Daubree (¼SW) townships area, Abitibi region, Quebec, 1980. ( more)
2 Soil sampling survey, NTS 32D/10, 11, Lac Fabiola area, Abitibi region, Quebec, 1980. ( more)
3 Stream sediment sampling survey, NTS 32C/4, 5 and 32D/1, 8, de La Motte and Lacorne area, Abitibi region, Quebec, 1980. ( more)
4 Soil sampling survey, NTS 32C/3, 4 and 32F/13, 14, Lac Bigniba area, Abitibi region, Quebec, 1982. ( more)
5 Soil sampling survey, NTS 32B/9, 16, south part of the Lemoine township, Abitibi region, Quebec, 1983. ( more)
6 Soil sampling survey, NTS 32D/14 and 32E/3, Rousseau township, Abitibi region, Quebec, 1980. ( more)
7 Soil sampling survey, NTS 32D/9, Amos area, Abitibi region, Quebec, 1978 and 1982. ( more)
8 Stream sediment sampling survey, NTS 32D/11, Gallichan area, Palmarolle township, Abitibi region, 1982. ( more)
9 Soil sampling survey, NTS 32D/11, St-Laurent de Gallichan area, Abitibi region, Quebec, 1982. ( more)

Project Funding

Currently Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles.

Previous department names:

Ministère des Ressources naturelles et faune (MRNF)

Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources Québec (MERQ)

Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec (MRNQ)

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