Sample Preparation Procedures List
ID |
Laboratory |
Method |
1 | Golder Associates, Ottawa, Ontario | <177 micron (NGR) |
2 | No laboratory was required | Untreated Water |
3 | Unknown laboratory | Unknown |
4 | Department of Mines and Energy, Geochemical Laboratory, St. John's, Newfoundland | <180 micron |
5 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | <177 micron (NGR stream) |
6 | Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver | <177 micron (NGR stream) |
7 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada personnel, in the field | Filtered Water |
8 | Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ontario | Grain Mounts |
9 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC bulk received |
10 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC character sample |
11 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC table split |
12 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC oversize fraction |
13 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC table feed |
14 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC light fraction (table) |
15 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC <0.25 mm fraction (pre-heavy liquid) |
16 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC light fraction (heavy liquid) |
17 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC ferromagnetic fraction |
18 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC non-ferromagnetic fraction |
19 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC <0.25 mm fraction (post-heavy liquid) |
20 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC <0.25 mm fraction (wash) |
21 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC 0.25-0.5 mm fraction |
22 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC 0.5-1.0 mm fraction |
23 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC 1.0-2.0 mm fraction |
24 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC <0.6 Amp fraction |
25 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC 0.6-0.8 Amp fraction |
26 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC 0.8-1.0 Amp fraction |
27 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC >1.0 Amp fraction |
28 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC IM grains |
29 | GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | <2 micron |
30 | GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | <63 micron |
31 | OGS Geoscience Laboratories | Unknown |
32 | Unknown laboratory | <63 micron |
33 | Unknown laboratory | <177 micron (NGR) |
34 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC heavy liquid separation |
35 | Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-Géoressources), Sainte-Foy, Quebec | <63 micron |
36 | Unknown laboratory | <2 mm |
37 | Unknown laboratory | <63 micron |
38 | GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | <2 mm |
39 | New Brunswick DNRE Geochemical Laboratory | <63 micron |
40 | New Brunswick DNRE Geochemical Laboratory | <177 micron (NGR) |
41 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC separation (NGR variant) |
42 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC separation (ODM standard) |
43 | Microprobe laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa | Grain Mounts |
44 | Saskatchewan Geological Survey | <177 micron (NGR) |
45 | GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | Undivided |
46 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC 0.25-0.5 mm, 0.5-1.0 mm fractions (1st run) |
47 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC 0.25-0.5 mm fraction (2nd run) |
48 | Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ontario | Grain Mount: 0.25 – 0.50 mm |
49 | Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ontario | Grain Mount: 0.50 – 1.00 mm |
50 | Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ontario | Grain Mount: 1.00 – 2.00 mm |
51 | No laboratory was required | HMC separation (KIDD grouping) |
52 | Microprobe laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa | Grain Mount: 0.25 – 0.50 mm |
53 | Microprobe laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa | Grain Mount: 0.50 – 1.00 mm |
54 | Microprobe laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa | Grain Mount: 1.00 – 2.00 mm |
55 | Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario | Rock crushing |
56 | Canamera Geological Ltd/Diamond Indicator Processing | HMC separation (Canamera/DIP) |
57 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC separation (ODM; details not reported) |
58 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC separation (ODM; previously sieved and picked) |
59 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC separation (0.25-0.50 mm size fraction) |
60 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | EPD + HMC separation |
61 | Unknown laboratory | Rock crushing (details not reported) |
62 | GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | NASGLP soil sample, <2 mm size fraction |
63 | GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | NASGLP soil sample, <63 µm size fraction |
64 | Industrial Waters Section, Mines Branch, Energy Mines and Resources, Ottawa | Untreated Water |
65 | In-situ measurement | Undivided |
66 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | -100 mesh grinding |
67 | Min-En Laboratories Limited, North Vancouver, British Columbia | <177 micron (NGR) |
68 | Kamloops Research and Assay Laboratories, Kamloops, BC | <177 micron (NGR) |
69 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC < 0.25 mm size fraction (ODM) |
70 | GSC/Bondar Clegg sample preparation | Ball milling |
71 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | <63 µm size fraction sieving (1) |
72 | GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | <2 µm size fraction sieving |
73 | GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | <63 µm size fraction sieving (2) |
74 | GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | <2 mm size fraction sieving |
75 | GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | Sand fraction sieving |
76 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | Ceramic rock crushing |
77 | Saskatchewan Research Council / CF Mineral Research Ltd. | HMC separation (SRC/CF) |
78 | Consorminex Inc. | Grain Mount: 0.25 – 0.50 mm (1) |
79 | Consorminex Inc. | Grain Mount: 0.50 – 2.00 mm |
80 | Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario | Rock crushing (ActLabs RX1) |
81 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | <63 size fraction sieving (3) |
82 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | 63-250 µm size fraction sieving |
83 | Saskatchewan Research Council / ODM | HMC separation (SRC/ODM) |
84 | CF Mineral Research Ltd., Kelowna, British Columbia | Grain Mount: 0.063 – 0.250 mm |
85 | CF Mineral Research Ltd., Kelowna, British Columbia | Grain Mount: 0.25 – 2.00 mm (2) |
86 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | HMC separation (ODM, SG 3.3) |
87 | Unknown laboratory | Grain Mount: 0.25 – 2.00 mm (2) |
88 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | Sieving (-80 mesh); ball milling (-150 mesh) |
89 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | Filtering: 0.45 μm filter paper |
90 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | Drill core: unprocessed sediment |
91 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | Drill core: <63 µm fraction |
92 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | Drill core: <63 µm fraction; 2 cm interval |
93 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | Drill core: <63 µm fraction; 4 cm interval |
94 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | Drill core: <63 µm fraction; 5 cm interval |
95 | Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario | Rock crushing (ActLabs) |
96 | Bondar Clegg and Company Limited | <177 micron (NGR) |
97 | Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario | <177 micron (NGR) |
98 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | <177 micron (NGR stream, no crushing) |
99 | Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario | Agate rock crushing |
100 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | HMC ferromagnetic fraction (GSC, 1966) |
101 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | HMC non-ferromagnetic fraction (GSC, 1966) |
102 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | GSC whole rock crushing (1960s) |
103 | Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver | Dry sieving to -230 mesh (63 µm) (Acme S230) |
104 | Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver | Rock crushing to -200 mesh (Acme) |
105 | Bondar Clegg and Company Limited | Sieving to <2 mm; crushing to <0.1 mm |
106 | Bondar Clegg and Company Limited | Sieving to <63 µm; no crushing |
107 | Unknown laboratory | Vegetation: oven drying, followed by milling |
108 | GSC Greenhouse | Twig ashing |
109 | GSC Greenhouse | Bark ashing |
110 | Unknown laboratory | HMC separation (Bathurst Is., 1996) |
111 | Unknown laboratory | HMC separation (Bathurst Is., 1997) |
112 | Unknown laboratory | HMC fraction (Bathurst Is., 1996) |
113 | Unknown laboratory | -230 mesh (63 µm) (Bathurst Is., 1996) |
114 | Unknown laboratory | -80 mesh (177 µm) (Bathurst Is., 1996) |
115 | Unknown laboratory | HMC fraction (Bathurst Is., 1997) |
116 | Unknown laboratory | -230 mesh (63 µm) (Bathurst Is., 1997) |
117 | Unknown laboratory | -80 mesh (177 µm) (Bathurst Is., 1997) |
118 | Unknown laboratory | -35+80 mesh (500 µm - 177 µm) (Bathurst Is., 1997) |
119 | GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa | <63 µm size fraction sieving (3) |
120 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | ODM HMC fraction, SG 3.0 and 3.2 |
121 | Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM) | ODM HMC fraction, SG 3.2 |
122 | Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ontario | Grain Mount: 0.25 – 0.50 mm (carbon coated) |
123 | Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ontario | Grain Mount: 0.50 – 1.00 mm (carbon coated) |
124 | Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ontario | Grain Mount: 1.00 – 2.00 mm (carbon coated) |
125 | OGS Geoscience Laboratories | Grain Mount: 0.25 – 0.50 mm (carbon coated) |
126 | OGS Geoscience Laboratories | Grain Mount: 0.50 – 1.00 mm (carbon coated) |
127 | OGS Geoscience Laboratories | Grain Mount: 1.00 – 2.00 mm (carbon coated) |
128 | Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ontario | Grain Mount: grain size unspecified (carbon coated) |
129 | OGS Geoscience Laboratories | Grain Mount: grain size unspecified (carbon coated) |
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