Liste de laboratoires

00000 No laboratory was required
00001 In-situ measurement
00002 Unknown laboratory
00003 Acme Analytical Laboratories Limited, Vancouver
00004 Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario
00005 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Ottawa
00018 GSC: Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
00019 GSC: Geological Survey of Canada personnel, in the field
00020 Novatrack and AECL; responsibility of BC DEMPR
00021 Novatrack Limited, Vancouver
00022 Novatrack Analysts Limited, Vancouver
00023 Responsibility of BC DEMPR
00024 BC DEMPR; W.M. Johnson
00025 WARD TSL, Manitoba Govt. Dept. of Environment
00026 X-Ray Assay Laboratories, Toronto (XRAL)
00027 Saskatchewan Research Council, Saskatoon
00028 Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-Géoressources), Sainte-Foy, Quebec
00029 Department of Mines and Energy, Geochemical Laboratory, St. John's, Newfoundland
00030 Nuclear Activation Services Limited, Hamilton, Ontario
00031 Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario
00032 Golder Associates, Ottawa, Ontario
00033 CLIM Labs Ltd., Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS
00034 Kamloops Research and Assay Laboratories, Kamloops, BC
00035 Overburden Drilling Management, Ottawa, Ontario (ODM)
00036 Lakefield Research, Lakefield, Ontario
00037 GSC: Microprobe Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
00038 GSC: Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
00039 GSC: Analytical Method Development Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
00040 Bondar Clegg and Company Limited
00041 Chemex Labs Limited
00042 GSC: Sedimentology and Mineral Tracing Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
00043 New Brunswick DNRE Geochemical Laboratory
00044 Activation Laboratories Limited, Ancaster, Ontario (Becquerel Labs, Mississauga, Ontario)
00045 CANTECH Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta
00046 McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
00048 OGS Geoscience Laboratories
00050 Intertek Testing Services, Val d’Or, Quebec
00051 Microprobe laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa
00052 Field Camp laboratory
00053 I and M Morrison Geological Services, Delta, British Columbia
00054 Canamera Geological Ltd., North Vancouver, British Columbia
00055 Diamond Indicator Processing, Thunder Bay, Ontario
00056 Canamera Geological Ltd/Diamond Indicator Processing
00057 GSC/Canadian Museum of Nature
00058 Multiple laboratories
00059 SIGÉOM
00060 GSC: Gamma Ray Laboratory, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
00061 Industrial Waters Section, Mines Branch, Energy Mines and Resources, Ottawa
00062 CF Mineral Research Ltd., Kelowna, British Columbia
00063 Saskatchewan Research Council / CF Mineral Research Ltd.
00064 Saskatchewan Research Council / ODM
00065 Saskatchewan Research Council / Consorminex
00066 Guelph Scanning Proton Microprobe (GSPM)
00067 Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, Geochemical Laboratory
00068 Bureau Veritas Minerals
00069 Saskatchewan Geological Survey
00070 GSC: Resource Geochemistry Subdivision Laboratories, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa
00071 GSC Greenhouse
00081 Chemex, Vancouver / GSC (CLAS), Ottawa, Ontario (1978/9)
00082 Min-En Laboratories Limited, North Vancouver, British Columbia
00088 GSC/Bondar Clegg sample preparation
00089 GSC/Bondar Clegg chemical analysis
00090 Saskatchewan Geological Survey
00091 Barringer
00092 Consorminex Inc.
00093 Canadian Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology (CANMET) Laboratory
00094 IOS Services Geoscientifics, Chicoutimi Quebec
00095 IOS Services Géoscientifiques, Chicoutimi, Quebec; Laval University Electron Microprobe
00096 Overburden Drilling Management (ODM) / Lakefield Research Nepean Ontario, and Lakefield, Ontario.
00097 DeBeers Kimlab, Kimberley, South Africa
00098 DeBeers Geoscience Center, Johannesburg, South Africa
00099 DeBeers Canada Exploration Laboratory, Sudbury, Canada
00100 Electron Microprobe Laboratory, Ontario Geological Survey, Sudbury
00906 Barringer Magenta Limited, Calgary
00907 Barringer Magenta Limited, Rexdale, Ontario
00908 Barringer Magenta Limited, Toronto
00909 Barringer Research Limited, Toronto
00910 Barringer Research Limited, Whitehorse office
00911 Bondar Clegg and Company Limited, Ottawa
00912 Bondar Clegg and Company Limited, Ottawa (Becquerel)
00913 Bondar Clegg and Company Limited, Vancouver
00914 Bondar-Clegg and Company Limited, Gloucester, Ontario
00915 Bondar Clegg and Company Limited, Whitehorse office
00916 Chemex Labs Limited, North Vancouver, B.C.
00917 Chemex Labs Limited, Vancouver
Date de modification