Survey Metadata

Till, Indicator minerals, GEM



Till sampling survey, NTS 56A, B, C, F, G, Wager Bay area, Nunavut, 2012.

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Survey Description

In July and August 2012, regional till samples were collected south of Wager Bay in central Nunavut.  A total of 29 samples were collected from the 45 sites visited.  Till samples were collected mainly from Cy-horizon material from hand dug pits in frost boils, at an average depth of 34 cm.  At each till site, a ~3 kg sample (geochemistry) and a ~12.5 kg sample were collected (heavy minerals).

The data are published in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 7417.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 McMartin, I., Wodicka, N., Bazor, D., Boyd, B. (2013). Till composition across the Rae craton south of Wager Bay, Nunavut: results from the Geo-Mapping Frontiers' Tehery-Cape Dobbs project. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7417, 31 p. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 2012-2016 Tehery-Cape Dobbs-Wager Project (GEM + GEM-2), Nunavut, 2012, 2015-2016 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
64.24° 65.86° -92.93° -88.87°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers parts of NTS 56A (Daly Bay), 56B (Armit Lake), 56C (Tehery lake), 56F (Pennington Lake) and 56G (Wager Bay) in the area south of Wager Bay, central Nunavut.  It is bounded to the east by Roes Welcome Sound and Baker Lake is located approximately 100 km southwest of the study area.


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