Survey Metadata

Surface water, Stream sediment



Detailed stream sediment and water sampling, NTS 106D, E, 116A, B, G, central Yukon, 1976.

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Survey Description

In 1976, detailed surveys of ten selected areas were carried out in central Yukon.  Approximately 1000 stream sediment and water samples were collected at an average interval of a quarter mile.  Rock samples were also collected to provide information on background levels for uranium and a selection of other elements in the different rock units.

The following NTS maps sheets were sampled:


Area NTS Map Sheet
1 106E/2
2 106D/14, 15
3 106D/10
4 106E/4
5 106D/13
6 116A/16
7 116B/
8 116B/10
9 116B/11
10 116G/1, 8


A summary of the work can be found in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 388.

The detailed surveys were carried out in conjunction with an NGR reconnaissance survey of the central Yukon in the same year.  Data from this NGR survey are published in GSC Open Files 418, 419 and 420.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Jonasson, I.R., Goodfellow, W.D. (1976). Uranium Reconnaissance Program: Orientation Studies in Uranium Exploration in the Yukon. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 388. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1976-1977 Central Yukon NGR stream sediment and water surveys, 1976 ( more)

Downloadable Files

Index Description Size (bytes)
GISS file archive ( FileID=652 download )

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
64.365° 65.73° -139.4483° -134.5°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers parts of NTS 116G/1 (Engineer Creek), 116G/8 (Mount Jeckell), 116G/9 (Churchward Hill) in central Yukon.  It is located in the Ogilvie Mountains and covers part of Engineer Creek and the part of the north-south portion of the Ogilvie River.  The southern part of the study area is located approximately 10 km west of Blackstone River.  [Note: the study area depicted here extends farther north than shown in GSC Open File 388.  In addition, samples to the south, east and west of the southern part of Engineer Creek shown in OF 388 are not included in this study area as they did not appear in the digital file of location data.]

  • Covers most of the eastern half of NTS 106E/2 (Kiwi Lake) in central Yukon.  The eastern edge of the study area is located approximately 8.5 km west of Bonnet Plume River.  Kiwi Lake is located in the northern part of the study area.

  • Covers the southeast part of NTS 106D/14 (Louis Creek) and very small parts of 106D/15 (Bear River) and 106D/11 (Hart Lake) in central Yukon.  Royal Creek is located approximately 2 km from the northwest corner of the study area.

  • Covers part of NTS 106D/15 (Bear River) in central Yukon.  The centre of the study area is located approximately 11 km west of Wind River.

  • Covers part of NTS 106D/10 (Bond Creek) in central Yukon.  The study area covers part of Bond Creek and is bounded to the west by longitude 135°.

  • Covers most of the southeast part of NTS 106E/4 (untitled) in central Yukon and extends south just into 106D/13 (untitled).  It is located in the Wernecke Mountains, south of Little Wind River.

  • Covers part of NTS 106D/13 (untitled) in central Yukon.  It is located just north of Little Wind River.

  • Covers part of NTS 116A/16 (untitled) in central Yukon.  It is located in the Wernecke Mountains and Three Barrel Lake is located just outside the northeast edge of the study area.

  • Covers part of 116B/7 (Tombstone River) in central Yukon.  It is located in the Ogilvie Mountains, south of Tombstone River.

  • Covers part of NTS 116B/15 (Kit Lake) and extends south into 116B/10 (Seela Pass) in central Yukon.  The northern edge of the study area is located approximately 10 km southeast of Kit Lake.  Blackstone River is located about 10 km east of the centre of the study area.

  • Covers part of NTS 116B/10 (Seela Pass) in central Yukon.  It is located just south of Seela Pass and approximately 7 km west of Blackstone River.

  • Covers part of NTS 116B/11 (untitled) in central Yukon.  The study area covers part of Fifteen Mile River.


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