Survey Metadata

Till, Indicator minerals



Till sampling, NTS 53, 63, central and northeastern Manitoba, 1996.

Location map

(requires an Internet connection)

Primary Publications (see below for full list)

Index Publication
1 Thorleifson, L.H., Matile, G.L.D. (1997). Till geochemical and indicator mineral reconnaissance of northeastern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3449, 1 diskette. ( more)

Survey Description

Regional till sampling was carried out in central and northeastern Manitoba in 1996.  A 40 km spacing was considered adequate to define major features of the drift composition and regional trends in background for geochemical and indicator mineral variables.  At 78 sites, a 12 litre sample was collected from below the B-horizon at an existing exposure such as a road cut or riverbank, or from a shovel hole. Location, sampling depth, Munsell colour, reaction to HCl, texture, structure and moisture content were recorded at each site.  Of the 78 sites, 21 were road-accessible in the western part of the area and were sampled during a four-day period in late July.  At the 57 remaining sites to the east, till was sampled from shovel holes or river cuts accessed by float planes.  These sites were sampled over 6 days in late July and 7 days in mid-August.  The data are published in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3449/Manitoba Energy and Mines Open File 97-3.

In 2008, forty-nine archived splits of the till samples collected in 1996 were reanalyzed for a study of Ni-Cu deposits in the Thompson nickel belt.  These new data are included in GSC Open File 6005.

These data are also part of 4 compilations: Geological Survey of Canada Open File 7064 and Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development open files OF2020-2, OF2020-3 and OF2020-5.

Data Description:

Digital CD release.

Quantities Analysed:

<0.063 mm and <0.002 mm fraction analyzed for a suite of elements by ICP-AES following nitric-aqua regia partial dissolution; As by hydride generation – AAS and Hg by cold vapour-AAS.  <0.063 mm fraction by INAA.

Geochem Maps Available:


Other Analyses:

<0.063 mm fraction for carbonate by Chittick; HMC for geochemical analysis by INAA.  Selected heavy mineral grains were analyzed mineralogically using the electron microprobe.  Pebble counts on 8-16 mm fraction.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Matile, G.L.D., Thorleifson, L.H. (1996). Regional till compositional trends, northeastern Manitoba. In Manitoba Energy and Mines, Geological Services, Report of Activities 1996, p. 9-10. ( more)
2 Matile, G.L.D, Thorleifson, L.H. (1997). Operation Superior: till geochemical and indicator mineral reconnaissance of northeastern Manitoba. Manitoba Geological Services Branch, Open File 97-3. ( more)
3 Thorleifson, L.H., Matile, G.L.D. (1997). Till geochemical and indicator mineral reconnaissance of northeastern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3449, 1 diskette. ( more)
4 Keller, G.R., Bogdan, D.J., Matile, G.L.D. (2004). Manitoba kimberlite indicator mineral database (version 3.0). Manitoba Industry, Economic Development and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File Report 2004-25. ( more)
5 McClenaghan, M.B., Matile, G., Layton-Matthews, D., Pyne, M. (2009). Till geochemical signatures of magmatic Ni-Cu deposits and regional till geochemistry, Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6005. ( more)
6 McClenaghan, M.B., Averill, S.A., Kjarsgaard, I.M., Layton-Matthews, D., Matile, G. (2010). Till indicator mineral and geochemical signatures of magmatic Ni-Cu deposits, Thompson Nickel Belt. In TGI-3 Workshop: public geoscience in support of base metal exploration. Geological Association of Canada, Cordilleran Section. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, Programme and Abstracts, p. 27-31. ( more)
7 McClenaghan, M.B., Averill, S.A., Kjarsgaard, I.M., Layton-Matthews, D., Matile, G. (2011). Indicator mineral signatures of magmatic Ni-Cu deposits, Thompson Nickel Belt, central Canada. In Indicator mineral methods in mineral exploration, Workshop at the 25 th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, Rovaniemi, Finland, M.B. (McClenaghan, V. Peuraniemi, M. Lehtonen (eds). Finnish Association of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Series B B92-4, p. 67-72. ( more)
8 McClenaghan, M.B., Layton-Matthews, D., Matile, G. (2011). Till geochemical signatures of magmatic Ni-Cu deposits, Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba, Canada. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis v. 11, no. 2, p. 145-159. ( more)
9 McMartin, I., Campbell, J.E., Dredge, L.A. (2012). A trans-jurisdiction database of till composition across the Circum-Kisseynew area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7064. ( more)
10 Gauthier, M.S. (2020). Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation 1: silt plus clay (<63 μm) size-fraction by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File OF2020-2, 6 p. ( more)
11 Gauthier, M.S. (2020). Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation 2: silt plus clay (<63 μm) size-fraction by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry after an aqua-regia or modified aqua-regia digestion. Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File OF2020-3, 6 p. ( more)
12 Gauthier, M.S. (2020).  Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation 3: clay (<2 μm) size-fraction by atomic absorption spectrometry or inductively coupled plasma–emission spectrometry after aqua-regia digestion. Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File OF2020-5, 5 p. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
3 1996-1997 Central and northeastern Manitoba regional till sampling, 1996 ( more)
2 2005-2009 Thompson nickel belt till project, central Manitoba, 2005-2006 ( more)
1 2020 Manitoba Till Geochemistry Compilation Project, 2020. ( more)

Downloadable Files

Index Description Size (bytes)
Diskette to accompany GSC Open File 3449 ( FileID=640 download )
This ZIP file contains a copy of the data diskette originally released with GSC Open File 3449.

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
53° 56° -100° -92°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers NTS 53E; 53F; 53K; 53L; 53M; 53N; 63G; 63H; 63I; 63J; 63O; 63P in central and eastern Manitoba.  It is bounded to the southeast by the Ontario-Manitoba border.


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