Survey Metadata

Stream sediment



Stream sediment sampling survey, NTS 32H, I, 22D, E, L, 21M, 31P, 32A, Quebec, 1965-1967.

Location map

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Survey Description

Between 1965 and 1967, a stream sediment sampling survey was conducted in the Mistassini, Péribonca and Saguenay rivers region, Quebec.  The area covers 100,000 km2.  A total of 1843 samples were collected at an average density of 1 sample per 54.3 km2 and analysed for:


Element Dissolution Technique
Cu, Pb, Zn


visual colorimetry


visual colorimetry
Ni pyrosulfate fusion visual colorimetry
Mo HCl visual colorimetry


The data are published in geological report RG-161, Department of Natural Resources, 1975.  This report is the first of a series of 3 publications following a geological reconnaissance program in the Grenville Province, known as the "Grenville Project".

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Laurin, A.F., Sharma, K.N.M. (1975). Région des rivières Mistassini, Péribonca, Saguenay (Grenville 1965-1967). Ministère des Richesses naturelles, Rapport géologique RG-161, 97 p. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1965-1970 Stream sediment sampling survey, Grenville Orogenic Province, Quebec, 1965-1970 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
47° 51° -74° -70°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers NTS 32H (Rivière Mistassini), /I (Baie Abatagouche), 22L (Lac Peribonca), /E (Reservoir Pipmuacan), 21M (Baie-Saint-Paul), 22D (Chicoutimi), and parts of 31P (La Tuque) and 32A (Roberval). This survey is the first of a series of three (Grenville project). It is bounded by latitudes 49° and 51° and longitudes 72° and 74°.


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