Survey Metadata

Surface water



Lake and stream water survey, NTS 42A/01, Kirkland Lake area, northern Ontario, 1992.

Location map

(requires an Internet connection)

Survey Description

The Ontario Geological Survey is establishing a mobile laboratory unit (MLU) to support geochemical mapping in Ontario.  To establish gold levels in water collected in and around an Ontario mining camp, water samples were collected from:

1. control lakes north of the Kirkland mining camp (likely to have background levels of Au)

2. stream waters from within the mining camp area but upstream from known gold mines or mine tailings

3. stream waters known to be contaminated by gold from mine tailings

The study is described in Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper 160 (Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 1992).

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Fortescue, J.A.C., (1990). The design considerations for a mobile laboratory unit (MLU) to support geochemical mapping in Ontario. In Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 1990, M.E. Cherry, B.O. Dressler, O.L. White, R.B. Barlow, P.C.Lightfoot (eds), Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper MP151, p. 185-189. ( more)
2 Fortescue, J.A.C. (1991). Progress in planning a mobile laboratory unit (MLU) to support geochemical mapping and environmental geochemistry. In Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 1991, Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper MP157, p. 179-182. ( more)
3 Fortescue, J.A.C. (1992). Progress report on the mobile laboratory unit development. In Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 1992, B.O. Dressler, C.L. Baker, B. Blackwell (eds), Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper MP160, p. 128-130. ( more)
4 Fortescue, J.A.C. (1993). Progress Report on the Mobile Laboratory Unit (MLU) Concept and Design. In Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 1993, C.L. Baker, B.O. Dressler, H.A.F. de Souza, K.G. Fenwick, J.W. Newsome, L. Owsiacki (eds), Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper MP162, p. 144-148. ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
48.1267° 48.1725° -80.1263° -80.0599°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers a small part of NTS 42A/01 (Kirkland Lake) west of the town of Kirkland Lake, northern Ontario.  This is a placeholder polygon as no location data were given for the samples collected.


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