Survey Metadata

Stream sediment

New Brunswick


Stream and spring sediment survey, NTS 21O/7, 8, northern New Brunswick, 1979.

Location map

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Survey Description

In 1979, stream and spring sediment s were collected in the Nepisiguit Lakes and California Lake map sheets in northern New Brunswick.  The -80 mesh fraction of the samples was analysed by atomic absorption by the Mineral Resources Branch of New Brunswick DNR using a hot nitric acid digestion.  Uranium was analysed by Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. using delayed neutron activation.

The data are presented on a series of New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources map plates: MP 81-44a-g and MP 81-45a-g.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Austria, V. (1981). Copper content of stream and spring sediments, California Lake west half (21O/8W). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-45a. ( more)
2 Austria, V. (1981). Copper content of stream and spring sediments, Nepisiguit Lakes east half (21O/7E). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-44a. ( more)
3 Austria, V. (1981). Iron content of stream and spring sediments, California Lake west half (21O/8W). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-45e. ( more)
4 Austria, V. (1981). Iron content of stream and spring sediments, Nepisiguit Lakes east half (21O/7E). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-44e. ( more)
5 Austria, V. (1981). Lead content of stream and spring sediments, California Lake west half (21O/8W). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-45b. ( more)
6 Austria, V. (1981). Lead content of stream and spring sediments, Nepisiguit Lakes east half (21O/7E). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-44b. ( more)
7 Austria, V. (1981). Manganese content of stream and spring sediments, California Lake west half (21O/8W). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-45d. ( more)
8 Austria, V. (1981). Manganese content of stream and spring sediments, Nepisiguit Lakes east half (21O/7E). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-44d. ( more)
9 Austria, V. (1981). Molybdenum content of stream and spring sediments, California Lake west half (21O/8W). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-45f. ( more)
10 Austria, V. (1981). Molybdenum content of stream and spring sediments, Nepisiguit Lakes east half (21O/7E). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-44f. ( more)
11 Austria, V. (1981). Uranium content of stream and spring sediments, California Lake west half (21O/8W). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-45g. ( more)
12 Austria, V. (1981). Uranium content of stream and spring sediments, Nepisiguit Lakes east half (21O/7E). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-44g. ( more)
13 Austria, V. (1981). Zinc content of stream and spring sediments, California Lake west half (21O/8W). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-45c. ( more)
14 Austria, V. (1981). Zinc content of stream and spring sediments, Nepisiguit Lakes east half (21O/7E). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Map Plate 81-44c. ( more)
15 New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy (1986). Arsenic-antimony-barium-gold content of stream sediments, Nepisiguit Lakes (NTS 21O/7). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Map Plate 87-49. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1971-1984 New Brunswick Regional Stream Sediment Project, 1971-1984 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
47.246° 47.505° -66.751° -66.24°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers the east half of NTS 21O/7 (Nepisiguit Lakes) and the west half of 21O/8 (California Lake) in northern New Brunswick.  The study area also extends north into 21O/9 (Tetagouche Lakes; 1 sample) and 21O/10 (Upsalquitch Forks; 1 sample) and south into 21O/1 (Big Bald Mountain; 1 sample).  The city of Bathurst is located approximately 68 km northeast of the centre of the study area.


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