Survey Metadata

Surface water, Lake sediment, GEM

Newfoundland and Labrador


Lake sediment and water survey, NTS 13L/5, 6, 12, 13, 23I/8, 9, Fraser Lake area, western Labrador, 2010.

Location map

(requires an Internet connection)

Primary Publications (see below for full list)

Index Publication
1 Amor, S.D. (2013). A high-density lake-sediment and water survey in the Fraser Lake region, western Labrador (NTS map areas 13L/05, 06, 12, 13, 23I/08 and 09). Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Open File LAB/1616, 215 p. ( more)

Survey Description

In July and August 2010, a high-density lake sediment and water survey was carried out over a ~3,300 km2 area in the Fraser Lake region, western Labrador.

In total, lake sediment and water samples were collected at 679 sites, and lake water only at 90 sites using a float-quipped helicopter.

The data are published in Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources Open File LAB/1616.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Amor, S.D. (2011). Lake-sediment and water-sampling survey in the Fraser Lake region, western Labrador. In Current Research 2011, C.P.G. Pereira, D.G. Walsh (compilers and eds). Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Natural Resources, Mines Branch, Report 11-1, p. 1-14. ( more)
2 Amor, S.D. (2013). A high-density lake-sediment and water survey in the Fraser Lake region, western Labrador (NTS map areas 13L/05, 06, 12, 13, 23I/08 and 09). Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Open File LAB/1616, 215 p. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 2009-2010 GEM Lake Surveys, Labrador, 2009-2010 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
54.25° 55° -64.5° -63°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers parts of NTS 13L/05 (Fraser Lake), 13L/06 (Proof Lake), 13L/12 (Spot Lake), 13L/13 (Ethyl Lake), 23I/08 (Petscapiskau Hill) and 12I/09 (Signal Hill) in the Fraser Lake region, western Labrador.  The centre of the study area is located approximately 105 km north-northeast of the locality of Churchill Falls.  It is bounded to the southwest by Smallwood Reservoir and to the north by the Labrador-Quebec border.


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