Publication Metadata

Struik, L.C., MacIntyre, D., Hastings, N.L. (2002). Geochemistry data, Nechako NATMAP project. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4356/British Columbia Geological Survey, Open File 2001-9. 1 CD-ROM.

Some or all of the raw data associated with this publication have been loaded into the "Canadian Database of Geochemical Surveys" and subsequently converted into easy-to-use MS Excel spreadsheets.  Follow the links in the "Survey Coverage" section below to determine exactly what data are available.

Survey Coverage

Index Survey
Till sampling survey, NTS 93L/9, 16, 93M/1, 2, 7, 8, Babine porphyry belt, British Columbia, 1995-1996. ( more)
Till sampling survey, Chedakuz Creek area, NTS 93F/7, central British Columbia, 1994. ( more)
Till sampling survey, Fawnie Creek area, NTS 93F/3, central British Columbia, 1993. ( more)
Till sampling survey, NTS 93K, N, central British Columbia, 1992-1994. ( more)
Till sampling survey, NTS 93F, central British Columbia, 1996-1999. ( more)
Till sampling survey, NTS 93K, N, central British Columbia, 1990-1991. ( more)
Reconnaissance biogeochemical survey, Ootsa-François Lakes area, central British Columbia, 1997 ( more)
Reconnaissance biogeochemical survey NTS 93K/2, 3, Fraser Lake area, central British Columbia, 1998 ( more)
Reconnaissance biogeochemical survey, Nechako River area, central British Columbia, 1996 ( more)


Index Citation Download
1 Geochemistry data, Nechako NATMAP Project; Struik, L C; MacIntyre, D; Hastings, N L. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4356, 2002. ( more)

Downloadable Files

Index Description Size (bytes)
Copy of CD-ROM for GSC Open File 4356 ( FileID=31 download )
This archive of the files that are on the CD contains data sets in a variety of formats.  Although the digital data were prepared with Arc/Info, they can also be imported by other types of GIS software such as Arcview and MapInfo, or viewed as a dbase file (.DBF).  In addition, it contains SurView, a program that allows you to display, plot and query the data sets without the need for a GIS system.  Documents and text are in HTML format.
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