Publication Metadata
Carter, N.C. (1978). Uranium Reconnaissance Program (82F, K, 104N). In Geological Fieldwork 1977, A summary of field activities of the Geological Branch, Mineral Resources Division. British Columbia Ministry of Mines and Petroleum Resources, Paper 1978-1, p.106-107.
Some or all of the raw data associated with this publication have been loaded into the "Canadian Database of Geochemical Surveys" and subsequently converted into easy-to-use MS Excel spreadsheets. Follow the links in the "Survey Coverage" section below to determine exactly what data are available.
Survey Coverage
Index | Survey |
1 |
NGR stream sediment and water survey, NTS 82E, British Columbia, 1976 (
2 |
NGR stream sediment and water survey, NTS 82L, British Columbia, 1976 (
3 |
NGR stream sediment and water survey, part of NTS 82M, British Columbia, 1976 (
4 |
NGR stream sediment and water survey, NTS 82F, Kootenay Lake Region, Southeastern
British Columbia, 1977
5 |
NGR stream sediment and water survey, NTS 82K, Southeastern British Columbia, 1977 (
6 |
NGR stream sediment and water survey, part of NTS 82M, Southeastern British Columbia,
7 |
NGR stream and lake sediments and waters, NTS 104N, Atlin and Teslin Lakes Region,
Northwestern British Columbia, 1977
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