Project Metadata

Riddell, J.E.


Hydrogeochemical and biogeochemical studies, Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, 1950.

Project Description

In September 1950, hydrogeochemical studies were carried out in the Gaspé Peninsula, and detailed vegetation sampling was conducted over the Gaspé Copper Mines claims and the Holland Gaspé claims.

The purpose of the biogeochemical sampling was to investigate the suitability of the field method in the Gaspé Peninsula.

The following Preliminary Reports from the Quebec Department of Mines, Mineral Deposits Branch were published:


Sample Type Area NTS Publication
stream and spring water Gaspé Peninsula 22A, B, G, H PR-268
stream and spring water Holland Township 22A/13, 14 PR-268
balsam fir twigs Holland Township 22A/13 PR-269



Survey History

Index Survey
1 Stream and spring water sampling, NTS 22A, B, G, H, Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, 1950. ( more)
2 Biogeochemical sampling survey, NTS 22A/13 east, Gaspé Copper Mines area, Holland township, Gaspé-north county, Quebec, 1950. ( more)

Project Funding

Currently Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles.

Previous department names:

Ministère des Ressources naturelles et faune (MRNF)

Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources Québec (MERQ)

Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec (MRNQ)

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