Analytical Sample Bundle Metadata


NGR-0041-1977-BC-SS-2 (includes both stream and lake sediments)

Type: lab data

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Bundle Description

Sample Classification (Analytical)

Index Sample Count Survey Sample Type Prep Lab Material Control Ref Unknown Source Duplicates count
64      Control Reference  Unspecified Yes  No 
176  NGR stream and lake sediments and waters, NTS 104N, Atlin and Teslin Lakes Region, Northwestern British Columbia, 1977 ( more)   NGR lake sediment grab sample  <177 micron (NGR) No  No  16 
991  NGR stream and lake sediments and waters, NTS 104N, Atlin and Teslin Lakes Region, Northwestern British Columbia, 1977 ( more)   NGR bulk stream sediment  <177 micron (NGR) No  No  108 
31  NGR lake sediment and water survey, NTS 104N, British Columbia, 1977 ( more)   NGR lake sediment grab sample  <177 micron (NGR) No  No 

Analytical Package Description

Laboratory: Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Ottawa

Name: AECL (URP lake and stream sediment) NADNC (U) ( more)

Analytical Suites:

Index Name
1  AECL (lake sediments)  NADNC (U) 60s irradiation,60s count

Analytical Methods:

Index Column Name Suite Order Method Order Suite Repeat Quantity Units Determination Limit
1  U_NADNC    U   ppm 0.2  
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