Survey Metadata

Soil, Till, Vegetation



Biogeochemical, soil and till survey, NTS 52L/5, 6, 52M/4, 62P/1, southeastern Manitoba, 1993

Location map

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Survey Description

In June 1993, biogeochemical and surficial geochemical studies were conducted in 3 areas in Manitoba: the Bird River sill (PGEs), the Bernic Lake area (rare earth pegmatite) and the “Donner Option” (PGEs) east of English Lake.  Samples were collected of several species and tissue types including balsam fir twigs; black spruce twigs and bark; jack pine twigs, bark and trunk wood; alder twigs, as well as samples of humus, B-horizon soil and till.  A summary of the work can be found in Manitoba Energy and Mines Report of Activities 1993.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Henderson, P.J., Dunn, C.E., Coker, W.B. (1993). GS-41 Quaternary studies related to drift prospecting, Rice Lake Greenstone Belt and Bernic Lake area, southeastern Manitoba. In Report of Activities 1993. Manitoba Department of Energy and Mines, Minerals Division, p.153-154. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1990-1993 Southeastern Manitoba till, soil and vegetation sampling surveys, 1990-1993 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
50.4188° 51.175° -96.075° -95.1508°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers part of NTS 52L/5 (Pointe du Bois) in the Bird River area, southeastern Manitoba.  It is located north of Bird River.

  • Covers parts of NTS 52L/5 (Pointe du Bois) and 52L/6 (Ryerson Lake) in the Bernic Lake area, southeastern Manitoba.  It extends from approximately 12 km east of Lac du Bonnet eastwards to the Manitoba-Ontario border.

  • Covers parts of NTS 62P/1 (English Brook) and 52M/4 (Bissett; 1 site) in southeastern Manitoba.  It is located southeast of English Brook and north of Wanipigow Lake.


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