Survey Metadata
Till sampling survey, NTS 86P, Nunavut, 1995.
Survey Description
192 till samples were collected in the Kikerk Lake area, Nunavut in 1995. The data are published in GSC Open File 3360.
Data Description:
Paper report; data files on diskette (WP, ASCII and Excel).
Quantities Analysed:
<0.002 mm fraction by ICP-AES after aqua-regia solution (3HCl-1HNO3) for 16 elements; <0.063 mm fraction by INAA for 16 elements.
Geochem Maps Available:
Proportional symbol maps show dispersal of elements.
Publication History
Index | Publication |
1 | Dredge, L.A., Ward, B.C., Kerr, D.E. (1996). Surficial geology, Kikerk Lake, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories (86P). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3287. ( more) |
2 | Dredge, L.A., Ward, B.C., Kerr, D.E. (1996). Till geochemistry, Kikerk Lake, Northwest Territories (86P). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3360. ( more) |
3 | Kerr, D.E., Knight, R.D. (2005). Till geochemistry, Slave Province, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5015, CD-ROM. ( more) |
Project History
Index | Year | Project |
1 | 1994-1996 | NATMAP Slave Province Program, Quaternary geology component, 1994-1996 ( more) |
Downloadable Files
Index | Description | Size (bytes) |
1 |
Diskette to accompany GSC Open File 3360 (
FileID=303 download
103410 |
Geographic Extent
Minimum Latitude | Maximum Latitude | Minimum Longitude | Maximum Longitude |
67° | 67.924° | -114° | -110.124° |
The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:
Covers NTS 86P (Kikerk Lake), Nunavut. It is bounded to the north by Coronation Gulf and to the south by 67°N latitude.
Covers a very small part of NTS 86P/13 (untitled; 1 sample) in western Nunavut. It is located on one of the Berens Islands in Coronation Gulf, approximately 22 km north of mainland Nunavut.
Covers a very small part of NTS 86P/14 (untitled; 1 sample) in western Nunavut. It is located on one of the Lawford Islands in Coronation Gulf, approximately 23 km north of mainland Nunavut.
Covers a very small part of NTS 86P/13 (untitled; 1 sample) in western Nunavut. It is located on one of the Sir Graham Moore Islands in Coronation Gulf, approximately 15 km north of mainland Nunavut.
Covers a very small part of NTS 76M/5 (untitled; 1 sample) in western Nunavut. The centre of the study area is located approximately 2 km north of James River.
Covers a very small part of NTS 76M/2 (untitled; 1 sample) in western Nunavut. The study area is located just south of James River.
Covers a very small part of NTS 76M/7 (High Lake; 1 sample) in western Nunavut. The centre of the study area is located approximately 4.4 km northeast of High Lake.
Covers a very small part of NTS 76M/9 (untitled; 1 sample) in western Nunavut. The centre of the study area is located approximately 9 km north of 67.5°N latitude and 6 km west of 110°W longitude, along the Wentzel River.
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