Survey Metadata

Soil, Till



Till and soil sampling survey, NTS 63L/9, /16, 63K/12, /13, east central Saskatchewan, 1992-1994.

Location map

(requires an Internet connection)

Primary Publications (see below for full list)

Index Publication
1 Henderson, P.J. (1995). Surficial geology and drift composition of the Annabel Lake-Amisk Lake area, Saskatchewan (NTS 63L/9, L/16, and part of 63K/12 and K/13). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3026. ( more)

Survey Description

More than 350 till samples and 285 humus samples were collected in the Annabel Lake-Amisk Lake area, east central Saskatchewan, between 1992 and 1994.  The data are published in GSC Open File 3026.

These data are also part of a compilation, Geological Survey of Canada Open File 7064.

Data Description:

Paper report; data files on diskette (ASCII).

Quantities Analysed:

<0.425 mm of humus and <0.063 mm and <0.002 mm fractions of till by ICP-AES after nitric aqua-regia digestion for 32 elements; <0.063 mm fraction by CV-AAS for Hg and by fire assay/ICP-AAS for Au, Pt, and Pd; <0.002 mm fraction by CV-AAS for Hg.

Geochem Maps Available:

Proportional symbol maps showing dispersal of elements in the <0.002 and <0.063 mm of till and in the <0.425 mm fraction of humus.

Other Analyses:

Pebble lithologies (4-8 mm fraction); heavy mineral concentrate for gold grain counts and non-magnetic point counts; <0.063 mm fraction for carbonate by AAS after HCl leach.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Henderson, P.J., Campbell, J.E. (1992). Quaternary studies in the Annabel Lake-Amisk Lake area (NTS areas 63L-9 and -16, and part of 63K-12 and -13). In Summary of Investigations 1992, Saskatchewan Geological Survey. Miscellaneous Report 92-4, p.172-176. ( more)
2 Henderson, P.J., Campbell, J.E. (1994). Surficial geology investigations related to drift prospecting in the Annabel Lake – Amisk Lake area, Saskatchewan (NTS 63L-9 and -16 and part of 63K-12 and -13). In Summary of Investigations 1994. Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Saskatchewan Energy and Mines, Miscellaneous Report 94-4, p. 75-78. ( more)
3 Henderson, P. (1995). Summary report on the surficial geology and drift composition in the Annabel Lake-Amisk Lake area, Saskatchewan (NTS 63L/9 and L/16 and parts of 63K/12 and K/13. In Investigations completed by the Saskatchewan Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada under the Geoscience program of the Canada-Saskatchewan Partnership Agreement on Mineral Development (1990-1995), D.G. Richardson (ed.). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3119, p.121-130. ( more)
4 Henderson, P.J. (1995). Surficial geology and drift composition of the Annabel Lake-Amisk Lake area, Saskatchewan (NTS 63L/9, L/16, and part of 63K/12 and K/13). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3026. ( more)
5 Henderson, P.J., Roy, M. (1995). Distribution and character of gold in surface till in the Flin Flon greenstone belt, Saskatchewan. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 1995-E, p. 175-186. ( more)
6 McMartin, I., Campbell, J.E., Dredge, L.A. (2012). A trans-jurisdiction database of till composition across the Circum-Kisseynew area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7064. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1991-1996 NATMAP Shield Margin Project, Quaternary Component, 1991-1996 ( more)
2 1992-1995 East central Saskatchewan till and soil sampling survey, 1992-1994 ( more)

Downloadable Files

Index Description Size (bytes)
Diskette to accompany GSC Open File 3026 ( FileID=271 download )
This ZIP file contains a copy of the data diskette originally released with GSC Open File 3026.

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
54.5° 55° -102.5° -101.84°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers NTS 63L/9, /16 and parts of 63K/12, /13 in the Annabel Lake-Amisk Lake area, east central Saskatchewan.


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