Survey Metadata

Stream sediment



Stream sediment sampling survey, NTS 31L, 31M, Lac Kipawa area, Témiscamingue, Quebec, 1967.

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Survey Description

In 1967, approximately 4600 stream sediment samples were collected in the Lac Kipawa area at an average density of 1 sample per 0.6 km2.  The entire area covers 2700 km2.  The samples were analysed for:


Element Dissolution Technique
Cu, Zn, Pb


Ni, Co pyrosulfate fusion with HCl colorimetry
Mn, Ag aqua-regia + HCl atomic absorption (AAS)


Mo HCl colorimetry

The data and the sample locations are published on a map in Open File DP 037, Department of Energy and Resources, Quebec, 1969.

In 1982, a geoscientific compilation was published and the data were presented in a new mode of presentation (DP 83-01).  This survey is part of a compilation of geochemical surveys published in DV 87-22.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Kelly, R.W., Inreh, L., Hirlemann, G. (1969). Géochimie des sédiments de ruisseau, région du Lac Kipawa (comté de Témiscamingue). Ministère des Richesses naturelles, Dossier public DP-037. ( more)
2 Gagnon, G., Lalonde, J.-P. (1983). Géochimie des sédiments de ruisseau de la région du Lac Kipawa. Ministère de l'Énergie et des Ressources, Dossier public DP 83-01. ( more)
3 Beaumier, M., Henry, J. (1987). Compilation des aires d'intérêt géochimique (Abitibi-Témiscamingue), Québec. Ministère de l'Énergie et des Ressources, Document divers DV 87-22. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1964-1980 Groundwater, soil and stream sediment  sampling surveys, Témiscamingue, Quebec, 1964-1980 ( more)
2 1987 Geochemical Compilation Project, Abitibi-Temiscaming, Quebec, 1964-1987. ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
46.71° 47.28° -79.425° -78.33°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers NTS 31L/9 (Lac Bleu), /10 (Lac Beauchene), /11 (Témiscaming), /14 (Ruisseau Ottertail), /15 (Lac Grindstone), /16 (Lac Sairs) and 31M/1 (Lac Ogascanane), /2 (Lac Ostaboningue), /3 (Fabre), /6 (Ville-Marie) and 7 (Belleterre).  It is bounded to the west by Lake Timiskaming, north of Ville-Marie and in the Lac Kipawa region.


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