Survey Metadata




Multi-year till (surface and from sonic drill core) sampling survey, Black River-Matheson, Ontario, 1984-1988.

Location map

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Survey Description

Two hundred and eighty-two surface tills and 1100 till samples from sonic drill core were collected between 1984-88 in the Black River-Matheson area, north of Kirkland Lake and east of Timmins, Ontario.  The data are published in Ontario Geological Survey Open File Reports 5749 (surface tills) and 5800 (till from sonic drilling).

Data Description:

Paper report; data lists on diskette (ASCII) released separately as MRD-1 (Miscellaneous Release-Data 1).

Quantities Analysed:

 <0.063 mm fraction and total matrix (<2 mm ground to <0.074 mm) by INAA for Au, As, Sb, Cr, Co, U, and W; by DCP after HNO3-HCl extraction for Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mo, Ag, Mn, Cd and Fe; by XRF for Ti, Zr and Sr; by GF-AAS after total digestion for Te; by fire assay-DCP after HNO3-aqua regia for Au; total matrix fraction also analyzed for major oxides by XRF.

Geochem Maps Available:

Proportional symbol maps show dispersal of Au, As, Sb, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, U, and W (OGS OFR 5749).  Proportional symbol maps showing the dispersal of elements; depth profile plots for boreholes (OGS OFR 5800).

Other Analyses:

Grain size (<2 mm), carbonate by Chittick), heavy mineral concentrate for point counts and geochemical analysis (OGS OFR 5749).  Heavy mineral concentrate for gold grain counts and non-magnetic heavy mineral grain counts; grain size; carbonate (<0.074 mm fraction by Chittick) (OGS OFR 5800).

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Baker, C.L., Steele, K.G., Fortescue, J.A.C. (1984). Reconnaissance till sampling program in the Matheson area, District of Cochrane. In Summary of Field Work, 1984, by the Ontario Geological Survey, J. Wood, O.L. White, R.B. Barlow, A.C. Colvine (eds), Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Paper MP119, p. 295-298. ( more)
2 Baker, C.L., Steele, K.G., McClenaghan, M.B., Fortescue, J.A.C. (1984). Location of gold grains in sonic drill core samples, Matheson area, Cochrane District; Ontario Geological Survey Geophysical/geochemical Series Preliminary Map P2736. ( more)
3 Ontario Geological Survey (1986). Black River-Matheson (BRIM) Backhoe till samples 1984. Ontario Geological Survey Preliminary Maps 80793 to 80796: MRD-1. ( more)
4 Ontario Geological Survey (1986). Black River-Matheson (BRIM) Sonic drill holes 84-01 to 84-42. Ontario Geological Survey Preliminary Maps 80759 to 80792: MRD-1. ( more)
5 Ontario Geological Survey (1986). Black River-Matheson (BRIM) Sonic drill holes 85-01 to 85-60. Ontario Geological Survey Preliminary Maps 80845 to 80893: MRD-1. ( more)
6 Ontario Geological Survey (1987). Black River-Matheson (BRIM) Backhoe till samples 1985. Ontario Geological Survey Preliminary Maps 80840 to 80844: MRD-1. ( more)
7 McClenaghan, M.B., Lavin, O.P., Nichol, I., Shaw, J. (1988). Quaternary geology and geochemical exploration in the Matheson area, northeastern Ontario. In Prospecting in Areas of Glaciated Terrain - 1988, D.R. MacDonald, K.A. Mills (eds). Proceedings of a Symposium sponsored by the Geology Division of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Halifax, N.S., August 28-September 3, 1988, p. 1-20. ( more)
8 Ontario Geological Survey (1988). Black River-Matheson (BRIM) Sonic drillholes 87-01 to 87-71. Ontario Geological Survey Preliminary Maps 81099 to 81135: MRD-1. ( more)
9 Ontario Geological Survey (1988). Black River-Matheson (BRIM) Sonic drillholes 87-01 to 87-71. Ontario Geological Survey Preliminary Maps 81136 to 81137: MRD-1 ( more)
10 Ontario Geological Survey (1989). Black River-Matheson (BRIM) Sonic drillholes 88-01 to 88-52. Ontario Geological Survey Preliminary Maps 81146 to 81170: MRD-1. ( more)
11 McClenaghan, M.B. (1990). Summary of results from the Black River-Matheson (BRIM) reconnaissance surface till sampling program. Ontario Geological Survey Open File Report 5749. ( more)
12 McClenaghan, M.B. (1991). Geochemistry of tills from the Black River-Matheson (BRIM) sonic overburden drilling program and implications for mineral exploration. Ontario Geological Survey Open File Report 5800. ( more)
13 McClenaghan, M.B., Lavin, O.P., Nichol, I., Shaw, J. (1991). Geochemistry and clast lithology as an aid to till classification, Matheson, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 42, p. 237-260. ( more)
14 McClenaghan, M.B. (1992). Surface till geochemistry and implications for exploration, Black River -Matheson area, northeastern Ontario. Exploration and Mining Geology, v. 1, p. 327-337. ( more)
15 Nichol, I., Lavin, O.P., McClenaghan, M.B., Stanley, C.R. (1992). The optimization of geochemical exploration for gold using glacial till. Exploration and Mining Geology, v. 1, p. 305-326. ( more)
16 McClenaghan, M.B., Kjarsgaard, I.M., Stirling, J.A.R., Pringle, G., Crabtree, D. (1993). Chemistry of kimberlitic indicator minerals in drift from the Kirkland Lake area, northeastern Ontario. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2761, 375 pages. ( more)
17 McClenaghan, M.B. (1994). Till geochemistry in areas of thick drift and its application of gold exploration, Matheson area, northeastern Ontario. Exploration and Mining Geology, V.3, p.17-30. ( more)
18 McClenaghan, M.B. (2001). Regional and local-scale gold grain and till geochemical signatures of lode Au deposits in the western Abitibi Greenstone Belt, central Canada. In Drift Exploration in Glaciated Terrain, M.B. McClenaghan, P.T. Bobrowsky, G.E.M. Hall, S.J. Cook (ed.). Geological Society Special Publication No. 185, p. 201-224. ( more)
19 McClenaghan, M.B., Gauvreau, D., Kjarsgaard, B.A. (2009). Mineral chemistry database for kimberlite, surficial sediments and kimberlite boulders from the Lake Timiskaming and Kirkland Lake kimberlite fields, Ontario and Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5833 (rev. ed.), 1 CD-ROM. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1984-1991 BRiM Project: Black River-Matheson till sampling survey carried out in 1984-1988 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
48.37° 48.75° -80.78° -79.5°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers NTS 32D/12 (Lightning River) and 42A/9 (Matheson) and parts of 42A/10 (Porquis Junction), 42A/7 (Watabeag River), 42A/8 (Ramore) and 32D/5 (Magusi River) in the Black River-Matheson area north of Kirkland Lake and east of Timmins, Ontario.  It is bounded to the east by the Ontario-Quebec border and to the west by the Timmins city limits.  The Black River bisects the study area.


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