Survey Metadata

Soil, Vegetation, Selective extraction

New Brunswick


Soil and biogeochemical survey, NTS 21P/5, 21O/8, 9, northern New Brunswick, 2001-2002.

Location map

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Primary Publications (see below for full list)

Index Publication
1 Lahti, H., McCutcheon, S.R., Parkhill, M.A. (2003). Reconnaissance and detailed QPX B-horizon soil and QPVX vegetation geochemistry, in the Bathurst Mining Camp, Gloucester and Northumberland counties, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Open File 2003-8. ( more)

Survey Description

In 2001, a total of 220 B-horizon samples were collected using a hand auger at 100m spacing along two transects in the southeastern part of the bathurst Mining Camp.

In September 2002, 32 composite (>=5 trees) samples of black spruce outer bark (and some pine and maple bark) were collected along Taylor Brook Road.

The data are published in New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources Open File OF 2003-8.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Lahti, H., McCutcheon, S.R., Parkhill, M.A. (2003). Bedrock geology and location of QPX B-horizon soil samples, southeastern Bathurst Mining Camp, Gloucester and Northumberland counties, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals Policy and Planning Division, Map Plate MP 2003-7A. ( more)
2 Lahti, H., McCutcheon, S.R., Parkhill, M.A. (2003). Multi-element QPX B-horizon soil geochemical and geophysical profiles of Transects 5000 and 6000, Bathurst Mining Camp, Gloucester and Northumberland counties, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals Policy and Planning Division, Map Plate MP 2003-7B. ( more)
3 Lahti, H., McCutcheon, S.R., Parkhill, M.A. (2003). Reconnaissance and detailed QPX B-horizon soil and QPVX vegetation geochemistry, in the Bathurst Mining Camp, Gloucester and Northumberland counties, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Open File 2003-8. ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
47.25° 47.5139° -66.3647° -65.6244°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers the southwest part of NTS 21P/5 (Nepisiguit Falls) in northern New Brunswick.  The centre of the study area is located approximately 17 km southeast of the junction of highways 360 and 430 and approximately 13 km east of the former Heath Steele Mine.

  • Covers a small part of NTS 21P/5 (Nepisiguit Falls) in northern New Brunswick.  The study area is located along Taylor Brook Road approximately 5 km south of highway 360.  It is  bounded to the east by a railway track.  Bass River Lake is located approximately 2 km to the southeast.

  • Covers a small part of NTS 21O/8 (California Lake) in northern New Brunswick.  It is located approximately 3.5 km north of Mount Fronsac and 4.3 km northwest of Little Rocky Lake.  Knoll Spruce Road is located approximately 5.75 km south of the study area.

  • Covers a small part of NTS 21O/9 (Tetagouche Lakes) in northern New Brunswick.  It is bounded to the south by 47.5°N latitude  The centre of the study area is located approximately 8.25 km south of Highway 180.  South Branch Forty Mile Brook flows through the western part of the study area.


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