Survey Metadata


New Brunswick


Till sampling survey, NTS 21P/5, northern New Brunswick, 1996.

Location map

(requires an Internet connection)

Survey Description

In 1996, 202 till samples were collected in the western two-thirds of the Nepisiguit Falls map area, northern New Brunswick.  These samples filled in gaps from a regional Geological Survey of Canada survey in the area (GSC OF 2236).  Basal till was sampled at the plotted sample site (2 km grid centres) where possible, and at the nearest possible point if the site was in a bog or stream or underlain by extensive bedrock.  Several pits were sampled in glaciomarine and glaciolacustrine sand and silt in the central part of the area to test the geochemical response of these sediments.  The data are published in New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Open File 99-10.

Data Description:

Paper report with data diskette.

Quantities Analysed:

<0.063 mm fraction analyzed for Au and 34 other elements by INAA; by a combination of ICP-ES (after digestion by nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids followed by a lithium metaborate fusion) and ICP-MS for a total of 51 major and trace elements.

Geochem Maps Available:


Sampling Procedure

At each site, a sample comprising approximately 5 kg of basal till and approximately 75 pebbles (>1 cm) from till was collected from hand dug pits 0.5 to 1 m deep.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Parkhill, M.A., Dickson, M.L. (1999). Location of basal till samples and ice-flow indicators in the Nepisiguit Falls map area (NTS 21P.05), Gloucester and Northumberland counties, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Map Plate MP 99-27A, scale 1:50,000. ( more)
2 Parkhill, M.A., Dickson, M.L. (1999). Till geochemistry of the Nepisiguit Falls map area (NTS 21P/05), Gloucester and Northumberland counties, northern New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File Report 99-10, 108 p. ( more)
3 Parkhill, M.A., Doiron, A. (2003). Quaternary geology of the Bathurst Mining Camp and implications for base metal exploration using drift prospecting. In Massive Sulfide Deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, and Northern Maine, W.D. Goodfellow, S.R. McCutcheon and J.M. Peter (eds). Society of Economic Geologists, Economic Geology Monograph 11, p. 631-660. ( more)
4 Parkhill, M.A., Desrosiers, M., Gilmore, W. (2017). Compilation of till geochemical survey data for northeastern New Brunswick (NTS 21P), Canada. Department of Energy and Resource Development, Geological Surveys Branch, Open File OF 2017-2, 17 p. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1989-2008 Quaternary mapping and till sampling project, northern New Brunswick, 1989-2008 ( more)
2 2007-2009 New Brunswick Data Levelling Project ( more)
3 2012-2021 New Brunswick Till Compilation Project, 2012-2021 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
47.25° 47.5° -66° -65.625°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers the western two-thirds of NTS 21P/5 the Nepisiguit Falls map area, northern New Brunswick.  It includes parts of Gloucester and Northumberland Counties.  Most of the eastern part of the area is bounded by a north-south railway line.


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