Survey Metadata

Soil, Surface water, Stream sediment

British Columbia


Soil, water and stream sediment survey, NTS 92H/10, Tulameen area, southern British Columbia, 1988-1989.

Location map

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Survey Description

In 1988 and 1989, soil, water and stream sediments and were collected at the Tulameen ultra mafic complex, on the southern slope of Grasshopper Mountain.  Soil profiles were cut and samples collected in 76, 1 m deep pits and C-horizon samples were collected.  Organic LFH horizons were collected prior to digging the pit, by turning the turf over and carefully separating the organic layer from the underlying mineral soil.  Stream sediments were collected at seven sites from small gravel-filled pools in the active channel along Grasshopper Creek.  Moss mat samples were also collected.  Bank samples were taken at five of the sediment sites.  Bog centre and margin samples were collected from two bogs.  Water samples were taken from Grasshopper Creek, from bogs and soil pits in the seepage zone and from perched bogs and ponds on the plateau.  An interpretation can be found in Journal of Geochemical Exploration v. 46 and v. 51.

Data Description:

Paper report.

Quantities Analysed:

<212 µm fraction of C horizon soils, stream sediments and bank sediments by ICP-AES after a LiBO2 fusion (Acme Labs) for major elements and LOI; Fe content of LFH horizons by AAS after digestion of ashed samples with nitric:perchloric:hydrofluoric acids.  Pt-Pd in soils and sediments using lead-fire assay with an ICP-MS finish in 1988 and ICP-AES finish in 1989.

Geochem Maps Available:

Proportional symbol maps showing element concentration.

Other Analyses:

Mineralogy of horizons from selected soil profiles by XRD.  Pt content of water by ICP-MS.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Cook, S.J., Fletcher, W.K. (1993). Distribution and behaviour of platinum in soils, sediments and waters of the Tulameen ultramafic complex, southern British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 46, p. 279-308. ( more)
2 Cook, S.J., Fletcher, W.K. (1994). Platinum distribution in soil profiles of the Tulameen ultramafic complex, southern British Columbia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 51, p. 161-191. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1987-1995 Tulameen ultramafic complex, southern British Columbia, vegetation survey, 1987-1988; soil, water and stream sediment survey, 1988-1989; water, soil and vegetation survey, 1992 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
49.528° 49.5423° -120.92° -120.8381°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers part of NTS 92H/10 (Tulameen) on Grasshopper Mountain on the north side of the Tulameen River, approximately 25 km west of Princeton in southwestern British Columbia.


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