Survey Metadata

Surface water, Lake sediment

Newfoundland and Labrador


Lake sediment and water sampling survey, parts of NTS 13B, F, G, H, I, J, eastern Labrador, 1978.

Location map

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Survey Description

During the summer of 1978, ten areas in eastern Labrador were selected for detailed follow-up geochemical lake sediment and water sampling, and three of them for airborne gamma ray surveying.  The areas were chosen from the coverage region of the 1977 Labrador Uranium Reconnaissance Program.

Lake sediment and water samples were collected from about 750 sites.  Based on results from the gamma-ray survey that were interpreted in the field, a second phase of detailed follow up work was carried out.  A one km2 grid was established over one of the areas of interest.  Rock samples, ground radiometric measurements and overburden samples were collected from the grid.

The data are published in Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Mines and Energy Open File LAB/0408 and are also part of a geochemical lake survey compilation, Open File LAB/1465.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 McConnell, J.W. (1978). Geochemical lake sediment, lake water, radiometric, rock and overburden surveys in Labrador – follow-up studies of 10 anomalous areas within the 1977 uranium reconnaissance program lake survey. Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Open File LAB/0408, 28 p. + maps 78-102 to 78-167. ( more)
2 McConnell, J. (1984). Reconnaissance and detailed geochemical surveys for base metals in Labrador. Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Mines and Energy, Mineral Development Division, Report 84-2, 114p. ( more)
3 McConnell, J.W. (2009). Complete geochemical data for detailed-scale Labrador lake surveys, 1978-2005. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Open File LAB/1465, 20 p. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1979-1981 Base metal and uranium anomaly follow up project, central Labrador, 1979-1980 ( more)
2 2009 Lake Sediment and Water Compilation Project, Labrador, 2009 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
52.018° 54.656° -60.853° -57.02°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers parts of NTS 13I/6 (Indian Harbour), /11 (Holton Harbour) and /12 (Byron Bay) in eastern Labrador.  It is bounded to the north and east by the Labrador Sea.  The towns of Holton and Emily Harbour are located in the eastern part of the study area.

  • Covers a small part of NTS 13F/15 (Mount Elizabeth) in eastern Labrador.  It is located north of Grand Lake and east of the Naskaupi River.  The centre of the study area is located approximately 53 km northwest of Lake Melville.

  • Covers a small part of NTS 13J/03 (Double Mer) in eastern Labrador.  It is located between Lake Melville and Double Mer and approximately 112 km northeast of the town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

  • Covers a small part of NTS 13G/15 (Neveisik Island) in eastern Labrador.  It is bounded to the north by Lake Melville.  The centre of the study area is located approximately 35 km southwest of the town of Rigolet.

  • Covers a small part of NTS 13H/12 (Barron Lake) in eastern Labrador. The centre of the study area is located approximately 15 km west of the west coast of Sandwich Bay and 37 km southwest of the town of Cartwright.

  • Covers a small part of NTS 13B/7 (untitled) in southern Labrador.  It is located approximately 45 km north of the Labrador-Quebec border.

  • Covers a small part of NTS 13B/3 (Halfway Pond) in southern Labrador.  It is located approximately 30 km southeast of Halfway Pond and 4 km north of the Labrador-Quebec border.


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