Survey Metadata
Stream sediment, Indicator minerals
Stream sediment survey, NTS 62N, 63C, K, west-central Manitoba, 1997, 2002.
Location map
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Survey Description
In 1997, 39 stream sediment samples were collected in west-central Manitoba from sand bars in streams flowing from the Porcupine Hills. Five other samples were collected sometime between 1997 and 2000:
Type of Sediment | Sediment Provenance | Number of Samples |
salt spring sediment | salt spring east of the Porcupine Hills | 1 |
stream sediment | sand bars within streams on the flanks of Duck Mountain | 2 |
gravel | base of a deep gravel pit SE of Duck Mountain | 1 |
beach sand | garnet-rich beach sand on Clearwater Lake | 1 |
The kimberlite indicator mineral results are published in Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines Open File Report 2001-3.
Follow-up work was carried out in 2002 as detailed below:
Type of Sediment | Sediment Provenance | Number of Samples |
stream sediment | sand bars within streams flowing from the Porcupine Hills | 19 |
stream sediment | Red Deer River, SK | 1 |
samples prepared from outcrop | Swan River Formation | 2 |
beach sand | garnet-rich beach sand on Clearwater Lake | 1 |
The kimberlite indicator mineral results are published in Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines, Report of Activities 2002 (GS-34).
Publication History
Index | Publication |
1 | Bamburak, J.D., Fedikow, M.A.F. (2001). Kimberlite indicator minerals from west-central Manitoba (NTS 62N, 63C, 63K). Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines, Open File Report 2001-3. ( more) |
2 | Bamburak, J.D., Fedikow, M.A.F. (2002). Kimberlite indicator minerals from west-central Manitoba – 2002 update (NTS 63C and 63K). In Report of Activities 2002, Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 287-294. ( more) |
3 | Keller, G.R., Bogdan, D.J., Matile, G.L.D. (2004). Manitoba kimberlite indicator mineral database (version 3.0). Manitoba Industry, Economic Development and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File Report 2004-25. ( more) |
Geographic Extent
Minimum Latitude | Maximum Latitude | Minimum Longitude | Maximum Longitude |
51.33° | 54.07° | -101.7° | -100.05° |
The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:
Covers part of NTS 63K (Cormorant Lake) in west-central Manitoba. It is located on the western shore of Clearwater Lake, approximately 6 km east of Highway 10.
Covers part of NTS 63C (Swan Lake) in west-central Manitoba. It is located along Highways 3 and 10, east of the Porcupine Hills and is approximately 70 km west of Lake Winnipegosis.
Covers part of NTS 62N (Duck Mountain) in western Manitoba. It is located approximately 40 km northwest of the centre of Dauphin Lake and its southern edge is located approximately 22 km north of the town of Ashville. Highway 10 runs north-south through the centre of the study area.
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