Survey Metadata
Soil, Till, Vegetation, Bedrock, Indicator minerals
Multimedia survey, Operation Superior, NTS 53M, N, east central Manitoba, 2001.
Location map
(requires an Internet connection)
Survey Description
In 2001, multimedia geochemical samples, including humus, soil, till, vegetation and rocks were collected northeast of the Knee Lake greenstone belt in east central Manitoba as part of Operation Superior. The data and information about the survey are published in Manitoba Geological Survey Data Repository Item 2009001.
The kimberlite indicator mineral data are also part of a compilation, Manitoba Geological Survey Open File 2002-1.
The data are also part of two compilations in Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development open files OF2020-2 and OF2020-5.
Publication History
Index | Publication |
1 | Fedikow, M.A.F., Nielsen, E., Conley, G.G., Lenton, P.G. (2002). Operation Superior: compilation of kimberlite indicator mineral survey results (1996-2001). Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File Report 2002-1, 60 p. ( more) |
2 | Fedikow, M.A.F., Nielsen, E., Conley, G.G., Lenton, P.G. (2009). Operation Superior: multimedia geochemical survey results northeast of the Knee Lake greenstone belt, northern Superior Province, Manitoba (NTS 53M, 53N). Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, Data Repository Item DRI2009001. ( more) |
3 | Trommelen, M.S. (2015). Glacial history and till composition, Knee Lake area, northeastern Manitoba (NTS 53L14, 15, 53M1, 2). Manitoba Mineral Resources, Manitoba Geological Survey, Geoscientific Paper GP2013-3, 30 p. plus 13 appendices. ( more) |
4 | Gauthier, M.S. (2020). Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation 1: silt plus clay (<63 μm) size-fraction by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File OF2020-2, 6 p. ( more) |
5 | Gauthier, M.S. (2020). Manitoba till-matrix geochemistry compilation 3: clay (<2 μm) size-fraction by atomic absorption spectrometry or inductively coupled plasma–emission spectrometry after aqua-regia digestion. Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, Open File OF2020-5, 5 p. ( more) |
Project History
Geographic Extent
Minimum Latitude | Maximum Latitude | Minimum Longitude | Maximum Longitude |
55° | 55.4° | -94.5° | -93.25° |
The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:
Covers parts of NTS 53N (Gods River) and 53M (Knee Lake), northeast of the Knee Lake Greenstone Belt in east-central Manitoba. It is bounded to the south by latitude 55°N and to the west by longitude 94.5°W.
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