Project Metadata

Fedikow, M.A.


Operation Superior, east central Manitoba, 1996-2001

Project Description

The Superior Province of the Canadian Shield in northeastern Manitoba is a region with high potential for discoveries of base metal, precious metal and gemstone deposits.  The Manitoba Geological Services Branch (MGSB) initiated Operation Superior, a five-year program of multimedia geochemical sampling designed to assist mineral resource assessments in the region.  The program specifically addressed the relatively under-explored Archean greenstone belts in the Superior province by systematically collecting rock, till, B-horizon soil, humus and vegetation samples from sites established at 1 km centres within mapped boundaries of the greenstone belts.  The data are published in the following Manitoba Geological Survey reports:


Area NTS Year of Sampling Publication
Carrot River, Munro Lake and Echimamish River greenstone belts 53L, 63I 1996 Open File Reports 97-2 and 97-1 (Max Lake)
Edmund Lake and Sharpe Lake greenstone belts 53K 1997 Open File Report 98-5
Webber Lake, Knife Lake, Goose Lake and Echimamish River greenstone belts 53K, L 1998 Open File Report 99-8
southern portion of Knee Lake greenstone belt 53L 1999 Open File Report 2000-2
northern portion of Knee Lake greenstone belt 53L, M 2000 Open File Reports 2001-1 and 2001-5 (KIM data)
NE of Knee Lake greenstone belt 53N, M 2001 Data Repository Item 2009001


The kimberlite indicator mineral data are compiled in Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines Open File Report 2002-1.

Survey History

Index Survey
1 Multimedia survey, Operation Superior, NTS 53L, 63I, east central Manitoba, 1996 and 1997. ( more)
2 Multimedia survey, Operation Superior, NTS 53L, east central Manitoba, 1999. ( more)
3 Multimedia survey, Operation Superior, NTS 53K, east central Manitoba, 1997. ( more)
4 Multimedia survey, Operation Superior, NTS 53 K, L, east central Manitoba, 1998. ( more)
5 Multimedia survey, Operation Superior, NTS 53L, M, east central Manitoba, 2000. ( more)
6 Multimedia survey, Operation Superior, NTS 53M, N, east central Manitoba, 2001. ( more)

Project Funding

Manitoba Department of Energy and Mines, Geological Services Branch

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