Survey Metadata

Soil, Till

New Brunswick


Soil and till sampling, NTS 21J/06, Sisson Brook area, central New Brunswick, 1982-1983.

Location map

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Survey Description

In 1982, a geochemical orientation survey was carried out on the Sisson Brook Mining Licence where three zones of W-Mo-Cu mineralization have been outlined.  Profile samples of O, A, B and C horizons and unaltered till were collected.  In 1983, whole till samples were collected and were combined with the corresponding 1982 whole till geochemical data to give a total population of 157 overburden samples.  In all, samples were taken from 56 backhoe trenches and 9 hand-dug pits.  The study is described in Journal of Geochemical Exploration v.28.

Data Description:

Paper report, no data lists but element data in tables and diagrams.

Quantities Analysed:

2.00-0.180 mm, 0.180-0.075 mm, and <0.075 analyzed by AAS after HNO3/HCl digestion for Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Ag, Mo and Fe, for As by colourimetry, F by ion-selective electrode, W by fusion and colourimetry, Sn by XRF and Bi by AAS after HNO3 digestion.  <2.00 mm ground to <0.075 mm for Cu, Mo and W by same techniques as above.

Geochem Maps Available:

Soil profiles of trench samples.

Other Analyses:

HMC for selected elements.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Snow, R.J., Coker, W.B. (1987). Overburden geochemistry related to W-Cu-Mo mineralization at Sisson Brook, New Brunswick, Canada: an example of short- and long-distance glacial dispersal. In Geochemical Exploration 1985, Part 1, R.G. Garrett (ed.). Proceedings of the 11th international geochemical exploration symposium. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 28, p. 353-368 ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1982-1987 Sisson Brook area soil and till sampling, central New Brunswick, 1982-1983 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
46.3504° 46.4167° -67.1266° -67.0102°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers part of NTS 21J/6 (Coldstream) on the Sisson Brook Mining Licence, central New Brunswick.  It is located in York County, about 55 km northwest of Fredericton, New Brunswick.  It lies northeast of the Nashwaak River.


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