Dyck, W., Dunn, C.E. (1986). Helium and methane anomalies in domestic well waters in southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada, and their relationship to other dissolved constituents, oil and gas fields, and tectonic patterns. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, no. B12, p. 12, 343-12, 353.
Levé d’eau souterraine, d’eaux lacustres et d’eaux et sédiments de ruisseau, 2F, 72K/1, 2 du SNRC, région de Cypress Hills, sud-ouest de la Saskatchewan, 1976. (
Enregistrements GEOSCAN
Référence bibliographique
Helium and methane anomalies in domestic well waters in southwestern Saskatchewan,
Canada, and their relationship to other dissolved constituents, oil and gas fields,
and tectonic patterns; Dyck, W; Dunn, C E. Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 91,
B12, 1986; pages 12,343-12,353(GSC Cont.# 56186) (