Publication Metadata

Foisy, M. (1989). Géomorphologie glaciaire et stratigraphie Quaternaire sur le flanc nord-est des Calédoniennes; Nouveau-Brunswick. M.Sc. thesis, L’Université du Québec à Montréal, 201 p.

Some or all of the raw data associated with this publication have been loaded into the "Canadian Database of Geochemical Surveys" and subsequently converted into easy-to-use MS Excel spreadsheets.  Follow the links in the "Survey Coverage" section below to determine exactly what data are available.

Survey Coverage

Index Survey
Till sampling survey, NTS 21H/10, 11, 14, 15, southeast New Brunswick, 1988. ( more)
Foisy’s MSc.thesis was published as NB OF 89-51 and is identical in content.
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