Project Metadata

Jackaman, W.


Northern Vancouver Island Exploration Project, 2012

Project Description

As part of the 2012 North Vancouver Island Geoscience Exploration Project and in cooperation with the British Columbia Geological Survey, 433 till samples from the 1991, 1993 and 1994 surveys in NTS 92L/5, / 6, /11 and /12  were recovered for reanalysis by an ultra-trace ICP-MS technique aqua regia digestion for 53 elements.

The data are published in Geoscience BC Report 2013-12.

In 2012, Geoscience BC and the Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) partnered to fund the Northern Vancouver Island (NVI) Exploration Geoscience Project.  The NVI Exploration Geoscience Project generated new geoscience data for northern Vancouver Island.  This new regional information will help attract mineral exploration interest and investment, increase the understanding of the mineral potential, and provide local First Nations and communities with more information on the geology of the region.

Work in this project included:


NTS Year of Collection/Sample Type Geoscience BC Report Comments
92L, 102I 1988/stream sediment and water 2014-03 1042 samples reanalysed for 51 elements by ICP-MS after aqua regia digestion; Pt and Pd by fire assay
92L/5, 6, 11, 12 1991/till 2013-12 433 samples reanalysed for 53 elements by ICP-MS
92E, L, K, 102I 2012/stream sediment and water 2013-11 new analyses for 721 samples by ICP-ES, ICP-MS, INAA



Survey History

Index Survey
1 Till sampling survey, NTS 92L/5, 6, 11, 12, northern Vancouver Island, 1991, 1993 and 1994. ( more)
2 BC RGS stream sediment and water survey, NTS 92L, 102I, northern Vancouver Island, adjacent mainland, British Columbia, 1988. ( more)
3 Stream sediment and water survey, NTS 92E, L, K, 102I, north Vancouver Island, 2012. ( more)

Project Funding

Funding was provided by Geoscience BC and the Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET).  The ICET was created by the Government of BC in 2006, through the North Island- Coast Development Initiative Trust Act, to support economic development initiatives on central and northern Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast (see

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