Project Metadata

Allan, R.J.; Cameron, E.M.


Operation Bear-Slave, 1971-1974

Project Description

Operation Bear-Slave is a regional, helicopter-supported, geochemical survey of some 36,000 square miles of the central parts of the Bear and Slave structural provinces of the Canadian Shield.  In 1971, a pilot study was carried out in 8 areas to first test geochemical methods.  The main field operation was carried out in 1972 when near-shore, inorganic, silty lake sediment and surface lake water sample media were collected at a site density of one per ten square miles.

In 1973, follow-up studies were conducted in the eastern part of the Slave Province.  This follow-up work identified base metal anomalies in the drainage systems of the Agricola Lake area, so in 1974 detailed geological, geophysical and geochemical studies were carried out there.

As a follow up to Operation Bear-Slave, lake water samples were collected in the High Lake District and the Takijuq Lake (formerly Takiyauk) area in 1975.  Seasonal lake water sampling was carried out in the Agricola Lake area in the same year.

The following Geological Survey of Canada reports have been published:


Year of Field Work Description GSC Publication
1971 summary of pilot studies; some small element distribution maps Open File 89
1972 content in lake sediments of selected elements Preliminary Maps 9-1972 to 15-1972
1972 sample locations Preliminary Map 16-1972
1972 summary of the work Paper 72-50
1972 digital release of entire data set Open File 2239
1973 follow-up studies

Paper 74-27

Open File 175

Paper 74-1A

1974 Agricola Lake: lake water, soil, rocks Paper 75-1A, p. 189-192 + p. 199 -207

High Lake

Agricola Lake (seasonal)

Takijuq Lake

GAS File 033

GAS File 034

GAS File 035



Survey History

Index Survey
1 Lake sediment and water sampling, Operation Bear-Slave, parts of NTS 76 and 86, Nunavut and Northwest Territories, 1971-1973. ( more)
2 Lake water, soil and lithogeochemical survey, NTS 76G/12, Agricola Lake area, Nunavut, 1974. ( more)
3 Lake water survey, NTS 76M, High Lake District, Nunavut, 1975. ( more)
4 Lake water survey, NTS 76F, G, Agricola Lake area, Nunavut, 1975. ( more)
5 Lake water survey, NTS 86I/2, Takijuq Lake area, Nunavut, 1975. ( more)

Project Funding

Geological Survey of Canada

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