Project Metadata

Paradis, S.J.


Groundwater Assessment in the Okanagan Basin (GAOB) Project, 2006-2009

Project Description

The GAOB project was carried out under the Groundwater Mapping Program and its mandate was to provide an assessment of regional aquifers as part of a national inventory.  Part of the project focused on the Kelowna/Okanagan Lake area in south central British Columbia with these main objectives:

1) to produce a surficial geology map of the Kelowna-Westbank area;

2) to produce a 3D geological model of the Kelowna/Ellison-Wood and Kalamalka Lakes valley.

To address these objectives, a borehole was drilled south of Kelona in the spring of 2007, a field survey (field descriptions, terrain observations, digital photos, regional sediment sampling) was completed in the summer of 2007 and a geophysical campaign was carried out in 2008.

The data are published in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 6507 and the surficial geology map in GSC Open File 6146.

Survey History

Index Survey
1 Till and sediment sampling survey, NTS 82E/3, 4, 82L/13, 14, Kelowna area, south central British Columbia, 2007. ( more)

Project Funding

The NRCan Groundwater Mapping program, a current federal groundwater initiative, aims to establish a conceptual framework of national, regional and watershed-scale groundwater flow systems.

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