Survey Metadata

Soil, Till



Soil, till and biogeochemical survey, NTS 74A/7, Rottenstone Lake, east central Saskatchewan, 1987.

Location map

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Survey Description

During the summer of 1987, B-horizon soil and underlying till were collected from hand-dug pits at each of 17 sites.  Samples of black spruce (bark, twigs, needles, trunkwood), birch (twigs, leaves, trunkwood), alder, willow and Labrador tea (twigs, leaves) were also collected at the same sites.  The sampling was part of a multi-disciplinary study of the geochemistry of platinum group elements. An evaluation of the data can be found in the Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 40 no. 1.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Coker, W.B., Dunn, C.E., Hall, G.E.M., Rencz, A.N., DiLabio, R.N.W., Spirito, W.A., Campbell, J.E. (1990). A comparison of surficial geochemical methods of exploration for platinum group elements in Canada. In Modern Exploration Techniques, L.S. Beck and C.T. Harper (ed.). Saskatchewan Geological Society Special Publication Number 10, p. 41-53. ( more)
2 Coker, W.B., Dunn, C.E., Hall, G.E.M., Rencz, A.N., DiLabio, R.N.W., Spirito, W.A., Campbell, J.E. (1991). The behaviour of platinum group elements in the surficial environment at Ferguson Lake, N.W.T., Rottenstone Lake, Sask. and Sudbury, Ont., Canada. In Geochemical Exploration 1989, A.W. Rose, P.M. Taufen (eds). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 40, p. 165-192. ( more)

Downloadable Files

Index Description Size (bytes)
Analytical data for Rottenstone Lake, SK soil and till (W.B. Coker). ( FileID=672 download )
An MS-Excel file containing the analytical results for soil and till samples collected at Rottenstone Lake, SK in 1987.  Several size fractions have been analysed.

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
56.333° 56.348° -104.838° -104.816°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers part of NTS 74A/7 (Rottenstone Lake) in east central Saskatchewan.  It is located south of Rottenstone Lake and north of Lower Rottenstone Lake.


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