Survey Metadata
Till, Indicator minerals, GEM
Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec
Survey Description
In the summer of 2014, 18 till samples were collected 10 to 200 km north of the Core Zone study area (23I, P) to support GEM-2 bedrock mapping activities.
Two samples were collected at each site, a large till sample (7–13 kg) for recovery of indicator minerals and a ~3 kg sample for geochemical analysis, textural determinations, Munsell colour determination, and archiving.
The data are published in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 7967.
Publication History
Index | Publication |
1 | McClenaghan, M.B., Paulen, R.C., Rice, J.M., Pyne, M., Lion, A. (2016). Till geochemical data for the south Core Zone, Quebec and Labrador (NTS 23-P and 23-I): till samples collected in 2014. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7967, 32 p. ( more) |
Project History
Index | Year | Project |
1 | 2014-2016 | Core Zone Geochemical Project, QC and NL ( more) |
Geographic Extent
Minimum Latitude | Maximum Latitude | Minimum Longitude | Maximum Longitude |
56.071° | 57.9084° | -66.5422° | -63.4409° |
The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:
Covers a small part of the northwest quadrant of NTS 14D/14 (untitled; 1 sample) in northern Labrador. It is located approximately 28 km east of the Quebec-Labrador border and approximately 11 km south of 57°N latitude.
Covers a small part of the southeast quadrant of NTS 24A/2 (Rivière Déat; 1 sample) in northwestern Quebec. It is located approximately 5 km east of Lac de la Hutte Sauvage along Rivière Déat and 8.5 km north of latitude 56°N.
Covers a small part of the northwest quadrant of NTS 24A/1 (Lac Cananée; 1 sample) in northwestern Quebec. It is located approximately 8.7 km east of longitude 64.5°W and 7.6 km south of latitude 56.25°N.
Covers a small part of the northeast quadrant of NTS 24A/7 (Rivière Déat; 1 sample) in northwestern Quebec. It is located just west of longitude 64.5°W and 15.5 km east of Rivière George.
Covers a small part of the northeast corner of NTS 24A/7 (Lac Dihourse; 1 sample) in northwestern Quebec. It is located approximately 5 km north of the Quebec-Labrador border and 4.75 km southwest of the junction of 56.5°N and 64°W.
Covers a small part of the northwest quadrant of NTS 24A/9 (Lac Pelland; 1 sample) in northwestern Quebec. It is located approximately 7.5 km northwest of Lac Pelland and 6 km south of latitude 56.75°N.
Covers a small part of the southeast quadrant of NTS 24G/2 (Lac Papavoine; 1 sample) in northwestern Quebec. It is located approximately 2 km west of longitude 66.5°W and 2.8 km southwest of Lac Papavoine.
Covers a small part of the southeast quadrant of NTS 24H/4 (Lac Fajot; 1 sample) in northwestern Quebec. It is located approximately 1 km north of latitude 57°N and approximately 5.3 km south-southeast from the southern shore of Lac Fayot.
Covers a small area near the centre of NTS 24H/2 (Lac Péret; 1 sample) in northwestern Quebec. It is located approximately 16 km northeast of Lac Péret and 11.5 km south of latitude 57.25°N.
Covers a small part of the northeast quadrant of NTS 24H/14 (Collines Uquutaaluit; 1 sample) in northwestern Quebec. It is located approximately 5.4 km west of longitude 65°W between Lac Qamanialuk and Rivière Ford.
Covers part of the northeast quadrant of NTS 24H/10 (Rivière Siimittalik; 8 samples) in northwestern Quebec. The centre of the study area is located approximately 14 km northeast of Rivière Siimittalik. The eastern edge of the study area is located approximately 3 km west of longitude 64.5°W.
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