Survey Metadata
Till, Indicator minerals
Nova Scotia
Till survey, NTS 20O/16, 20P/13, 21A/04, 21B/01, Brazil Lake area, southwestern Nova Scotia, 2020-2022.
Survey Description
In the fall of 2022, 44 till samples were collected from 41 sites around and down-ice of the Brazil Lake Li-Cs-Ta pegmatites in southwestern Nova Scotia. Samples were collected from hand-dug holes, till exposures in borrow pits and local roads or from backhoe trenches. At each site two samples were collected: a sample weighing ~6 kg for geochemical anaysisand archiving; and a sample weighing ~15 kg for indicator mineral processing and pebble lithology.
Fifteen bedrock samples from the north and south pegmatites were also collected to document mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the pegmatites in the till.
In 2020 and 2021, 105 till samples were collected by Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables to provide regonal context for interpreting the 44 case study samples collected by the GSC. In 2022, NSDNRR collected fifty 3-kg till samples between Brazil lake and Tusket Falls to characterize the regional composition of the surface till. Till samples were also collected at the Salmon River beach section to provide insight and additional details into reginal glacial context.
A description of the study is published in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 8960. The data will be published later in 2023.
Publication History
Index | Publication |
1 | McClenaghan, M., Brushett, D.M., Beckett-Brown, C., Paulen, R., Rice, J.M., Haji Egeh, A., Nissen, A. (2023). Indicator mineral studies at the Brazil Lake LCT Pegmatites, southwest Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada, Scientific Presentation 157, 1 sheet. ( more) |
2 | McClenaghan, M., Brushett, D.M., Paulen, R., Beckett-Brown, C., Rice, J.M., Haji Egeh, A., Nissen, A. (2023). Critical metal indicator mineral studies of till samples collected around the Brazil Lake LCT pegmatite, southwest Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8960, 12 p. ( more) |
Geographic Extent
Minimum Latitude | Maximum Latitude | Minimum Longitude | Maximum Longitude |
43.7781° | 44.03° | -66.17° | -65.91° |
The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:
Covers parts of NTS 20O/16 (Yarmouth) and 20P/13 (Tusket) and small parts of 21A/04 (Wentworth) and 21B/01 (Meteghan) in southwestern Nova Scotia. It is bounded to the west by the Atlantic Ocean. Lake George and Brazil Lake are found in the northern part of the study area. The city of Yarmouth is approximately 16 km south-southwest from the centre of the study area.
Covers a small part of NTS 20O/16 (Yarmouth) in southwestern Nova Scotia. It is bounded to the east by Johnson Cove and Tusket River and to the south by Goose Lake and extends to just north of Highway 3. Highway 334 crosses the study area.
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