Survey Metadata
Till, Indicator minerals, GEM
Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec
Till sampling survey, NTS 23I, P, Core Zone, Quebec and Labrador, 2014-2016.
Survey Description
In the summers of 2014, 2015 and 2016, a total of 260 till samples were collected during a study of the southern Core Zone area, Quebec and Labrador. In 2016, one sample was collected west of the main study area near the ice divide.
Where possible, samples were collected from hand-dug pits in active mud boils at a depth between 0.2 and 1.0 m. In areas south of the limit of discontinuous permafrost, till samples were collected by digging through the naturally developed soil profiles to sample unoxidized till (C horizon).
Two samples were collected at each site, a large till sample (7–13 kg) for recovery of indicator minerals and a ~3 kg sample for geochemical analysis, textural determinations, Munsell colour determination, and archiving.
Published open files are detailed below:
Year of Collection | Number of Samples | GSC Open File |
2014 | 37 |
7967 till geochemistry 7968 indicator minerals from till |
2014 2015 |
37 147 |
8187 indicator minerals from till |
2014 2015 2016 |
37 147 86 |
8222 indicator minerals from till |
2015 2016 |
147 86 |
8219* till geochemistry |
2014, 2015, 2016 | 273 | 8655** field data |
2014 2015 2016 |
36 137 83 |
8721 clast lithology from till |
also includes: *reanalysis of /**field data for 31 till samples collected in 1986 and 1987 (GSC OF 2170)
Publication History
Index | Publication |
1 | McClenaghan, M.B., Paulen, R.C., Rice, J.M. (2016). Indicator mineral abundance data for till samples from the south Core Zone, Quebec and Labrador (NTS 23-P and 23-I): samples collected in 2014. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7968, 13 p. + 8 maps. ( more) |
2 | McClenaghan, M.B., Paulen, R.C., Rice, J.M., Pyne, M., Lion, A. (2016). Till geochemical data for the south Core Zone, Quebec and Labrador (NTS 23-P and 23-I): till samples collected in 2014. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7967, 32 p. ( more) |
3 | Campbell, H., Paulen, R.C., Rice, J.M. (2017). Quaternary mapping and till-geochemistry sampling in western Labrador, Woods Lake (NTS 23I/03, 23I/04, 23I/05, 23I/06, 23I/11 and 23I/12). In Current Research. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 17-1, p. 119-134. ( more) |
4 | McClenaghan, M.B., Paulen, R.C., Rice, J.M., Campbell, H.E., Payne, M.D. (2017). Gold grains in till samples from the southern Core Zone, Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador (NTS 23-P and 23-I): potential for undiscovered mineralization. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8222, 21 p. ( more) |
5 | McClenaghan, M.B., Paulen, R.C., Rice, J.M., Campbell, H.E., Ross, M. (2017). Till geochemistry and mineralogy. In GEM 2 Hudson-Ungava project 2017 report of activities for the Core Zone: surficial geology, geochemistry, and gamma-ray spectrometry studies in northern Quebec and Labrador. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8331, p. 21-30. ( more) |
6 | Rice, J.M., McClenaghan, M.B., Paulen, R.C., Ross, M.A., Pyne, M.D. (2017). Till geochemical data for the southern Core Zone, Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador (NTS 23-P and 23-I): till samples collected in 2015 and 2016. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8219, 37 p. ( more) |
7 | Rice, J.M., McClenaghan, M.B., Paulen, R.C., Ross, M.A., Pyne, M.D., Lion, A.J. (2017). Indicator mineral abundance data for till samples from the south Core Zone, Quebec and Labrador (NTS 23P and 23I): sample collected in 2015. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8187, 19 p. ( more) |
8 | Rice, J.M., Paulen, R.C., Campbell, H.E., Ross, M., Pyne, M. (2017). Glacial history and surficial mapping. In GEM 2 Hudson-Ungava project 2017 report of activities for the Core Zone: surficial geology, geochemistry, and gamma-ray spectrometry studies in northern Quebec and Labrador. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8331, p. 8-20. ( more) |
9 | Rice, J.M., McClenaghan, M.B., Paulen, R.C., Pyne, M.D., Ross, M., Campbell, H.E. (2020). Field data for till samples collected in 2014, 2015, and 2016 in the southern Core Zone, Quebec and Labrador (NTS 23-P and 23-I). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8655, 11 p. ( more) |
10 | Rice, J.M., Paulen, R.C., Ross, M., McClenaghan, M.B. (2020). Clast-lithology data from till samples collected from the southern Core Zone, Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador (NTS 23-I and 23-P): samples collected in 2014, 2015, and 2016. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8721, 14 p. ( more) |
Project History
Index | Year | Project |
1 | 2014-2016 | Core Zone Geochemical Project, QC and NL ( more) |
Geographic Extent
Minimum Latitude | Maximum Latitude | Minimum Longitude | Maximum Longitude |
54° | 56.5° | -66.2882° | -63.2° |
The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:
Covers NTS 23I (Woods Lake) and 23P (Lac Resolution) in Labrador and Quebec. The Quebec-Labrador border runs approximately east-west through the centre of the Core Zone study area. It is bounded to the east by 64°W longitude and to the west by 66°W longitude. Michikamau Lake is located in the southeast corner of the study area.
Covers a very small part of NTS 23O/8 (Lac Thompson; 1 sample) northern Quebec near the Quebec-Labrador border. It is located approximately 72 km northeast of the town of Schefferville. The sample was collected while investigating an ice divide in the area.
Covers a very small part of NTS 24A (Lac Brisson; 3 samples) in northern Quebec and a small part of 14D (Tasisuak Lake; 3 samples) in northern Labrador. The study area is located near Strange Lake, Labrador. The Quebec-Labrador border runs north-south through the western part of the study area.
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