Survey Metadata

Soil, Till, Indicator minerals

New Brunswick


Till and soil survey, NTS 21G/7, south central New Brunswick, 2000.

Location map

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Survey Description

In September 2000, geochemical sampling was carried out in the area of the Clarence Stream gold property, south central New Brunswick.  Detailed sampling was carried out along four grid lines over the known mineralization.  A total of 58 sites were visited:


Sample Type Number of Sites
Humus 58
B-horizon (2 samples at each site) 58
Till 24 of 58
Till (8-10 kg) 17 of 58


A summary of the work can be found in New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resource Report 2001-4.

In addition, 11 sites were selected off the property to establish background levels in the various sample media.  The till samples were processed for heavy minerals.  The data for the regional samples have not yet been published.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Friske, P.W.B., McCurdy, M.W., Day, S.J.A., McNeil, R.J. (2001). Evaluation of total, partial and selective leach data from humus, B-horizon and till: a case study from the Clarence Stream gold property, southern New Brunswick. In Current Research 2000, B.M.W. Carroll (ed.). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Mineral Resource Report 2001-4, p. 25-45. ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
45.3296° 45.3549° -66.9904° -66.9472°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers part of NTS 21G/7 (McDougall Lake) in south central New Brunswick.  It is located approximately 9 km northeast of the city of Rollingdam.  Highway 770 runs north-south to the west of the study area.


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