Survey Metadata
Till sampling, NTS 63O/14, 15, 64B/2, 3, Osik Lake, central Manitoba, 1986.
Survey Description
Approximately 50 till samples were collected in 1986 in the Osik Lake area, central Manitoba. Sampling was carried out in the presumed up-ice direction northeast of sites along highway 391 where ultramafic pebbles and cobbles were found exposed in road cuts along a 10 km stretch of the highway. A summary of the work can be found in Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, Paper 88-1C.
The data are part of a compilation, Geological Survey of Canada Open File 7064.
Data Description:
Paper report.
Quantities Analysed:
<0.002 mm fraction of till and sand-sized heavy mineral fraction of till analysed for ultramafic indicator trace elements. No analytical methods are given.
Geochem Maps Available:
Symbol map of percentage of ultramafic pebbles in till. Profile of trace metal concentration in till of Osik Lake dispersal train.
Other Analyses:
Trace elements and iron in rocks from till.
Publication History
Index | Publication |
1 | DiLabio, R.N.W., Kaszycki, C.A. (1987). Drift prospecting program (project C.4.1.2). In Manitoba Energy and Mines, Minerals Division, Report of Field Activities 1987, p. 173. ( more) |
2 | DiLabio, R.N.W., Kaszycki, C.A. (1988). An ultramafic dispersal train and associated gold anomaly in till near Osik Lake, Manitoba. In Current Research, Part C. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 88-1C, p.67-71. ( more) |
3 | McMartin, I., Campbell, J.E., Dredge, L.A. (2012). A trans-jurisdiction database of till composition across the Circum-Kisseynew area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7064. ( more) |
Geographic Extent
Minimum Latitude | Maximum Latitude | Minimum Longitude | Maximum Longitude |
55.7519° | 56.0577° | -99.2403° | -98.8394° |
The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:
Covers parts of NTS 63O/14, 15 and 64B/2, 3, Osik Lake area, central Manitoba.
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