Survey Metadata

NGR stream



NGR stream sediment and water survey, parts of NTS 116A, H, Central Yukon, 1977

Location map

(requires an Internet connection)

Survey Description

Helicopter-supported stream sediment and water sample collection was carried out in 1977 at an average density of 1 sample per 13 km 2. Sample site duplicate samples were routinely collected in each analytical block of twenty samples.  The data were published in Geological Survey of Canada Open File 519 in 1978.  In addition to the 1977 survey data, the open file includes most of the previously published data from a 1976 survey (OF 419).

The samples were re-analysed and published in GSC Open File 2176 along with the original data from OF 519.  Samples from NTS 116H were re-analysed in 1995 and published as part of a Yukon compilation of geochemical data (Héon, 2003).

This survey was carried out using National Geochemical Reconnaissance (NGR) protocols.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Geological Survey of Canada (1978). Regional stream sediment and water geochemical reconnaissance data, central Yukon Territory. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 519. ( more)
2 Coker, W.B., Ellwood, D.J., Goodfellow, W.D. (1981). National geochemical reconnaissance, central Yukon Territory (106D, 116A, B and parts of 106D, E, F and 116C, F, G, H). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 731, 25 pages. ( more)
3 Friske, P.W.B., Hornbrook, E.H.W., Lynch, J.J., McCurdy, M.W., Gross, H., Galletta, A.C., Durham, C.C. (1990). National Geochemical Reconnaissance stream sediment and water geochemical data, central Yukon (116A and 116H south). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2176. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
2 1977-1978 Central Yukon NGR stream sediment and water surveys, 1977 ( more)
1 1989-1991 Yukon Reanalysis Project, 1989-1991 ( more)

Downloadable Files

Index Description Size (bytes)
GSC Open File 2176 digital data ( FileID=1241 download )
The data are packaged as a single zip file, compatible with modern operating systems.
Introductory text for GSC Open File 2176 ( FileID=559 download )
This PDF file contains the introductory text for GSC Open File 2176.  It was scanned from the original document.  The data are not included in this file.
GSC Open File 519 digital data ( FileID=1153 download )
The data are packaged as a single zip file, compatible with modern operating systems.
Introductory text for GSC Open File 519 ( FileID=446 download )
This PDF file contains the introductory text for GSC Open File 519.  It was scanned from the original document.  The data are not included in this file.
Diskette to accompany GSC Open File 2176 ( FileID=192 download )
WARNING: the data on the diskette may have been packaged as a 16 bit self-extracting executable file, which is incompatible with 64 bit Windows computers.
Diskette to accompany GSC Open File 519 ( FileID=77 download )
WARNING: the data on the diskette may have been packaged as a 16 bit self-extracting executable file, which is incompatible with 64 bit Windows computers.

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
64° 65.5° -138° -136°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers part of NTS sheet 116A.

  • Covers part of NTS sheet 116H.


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