Survey Metadata

NGR lake, GEM

Northwest Territories


NGR lake sediment survey, NTS 75K, Northwest Territories, 1975

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Survey Description

Lake sediments were collected in 1975 in the area of the Nonacho Belt, Northwest Territories. The data are published in GSC Open File 326.

In 2016, the data from OF 7232 (NTS 75C, F) were republished in OF 8010 with reanalyses of samples collected in 75K (OF 326).  OF 8010 also includes the original data from OFs 324, 325 and 326.

This survey was carried out using National Geochemical Reconnaissance (NGR) protocols.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Geological Survey of Canada (1976). Regional lake sediment geochemical reconnaissance data, Nonacho Belt, east of Great Slave Lake, N.W.T. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 326. ( more)
2 Maurice, Y.T. (1977). Follow-up geochemical activities in the Nonacho Lake Area, District of Mackenzie. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 489. ( more)
3 Coker, W.B., Ellwood, D.J., Maurice, Y.T. (1981). National geochemical reconnaissance, Nonacho Lake, Northwest Territories (75C, F and K). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 741, 19 pages. ( more)
4 Maurice, Y.T. (1984). Interpretation of data from Nonacho Lake - East Arm of Great Slave Lake Region, District of MacKenzie. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 84-12. ( more)
5 McCurdy, M.W., McNeil, R.J., Percival, J.A., Garrett, R.G. (2016). Regional lake sediment geochemical data, Nonacho Basin – East Arm of Great Slave lake region, Northwest Territories (NTS 75-C, NTS 75-F and NTS 75-K). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8010, 15 p. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1975-1977 Nonacho Belt lake sediment and water surveys, 1975-1976 ( more)

Downloadable Files

Index Description Size (bytes)
GSC Open File 326 digital data ( FileID=1125 download )
Introductory text for GSC Open File 326 ( FileID=417 download )
GAS file archive ( FileID=648 download )
GAS file archive list of contents ( FileID=649 download )
Diskette to accompany GSC Open File 326 ( FileID=49 download )

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
62° 63° -110° -108°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers NTS 75K in the North West Territories.


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