Survey Metadata




Groundwater sampling survey, NTS 32C/3-6, 11, 12, 14, 32D/1, 2, 3, 6-11, 14, 15, 16 and 32E/3, Abitibi area, Quebec, 1974-1975.

Location map

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Survey Description

In 1974-1975, a groundwater sampling survey was conducted in the Abitibi's populated areas, Quebec.  The area covers 20000 km2.  A total of 5000 samples were collected from water wells, springs and drillholes, at an average density of 1 sample per 3.0 km2 and analysed for:


Element Technique
Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Cd, Ca, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na atomic absorption (AAS)
Hg AFS (cold vapor method/atomic absorption)
K atomic emission
F, Cl ion-selective electrode (ISE)
U fluorometry
As HG-AAS (hydride generation/atomic absorption)
Sr, B, P, Si, Al inductively coupled plasma optical emission (ICP-ES)
pH ion-selective electrode (ISE)


The data are published in Open File Quebec Ministère de l’énergie des ressources DPV-725.  Raw data and sample locations are published in DPV-726.

This survey is part of two compilations published in DPV-608 and DV 87-22.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Lalonde, J.-P. (1979). Dispersions géochimiques et minéralogiques d'intérêt dans les tills, les eaux souterraines et les sédiments de ruisseau, dans les régions de Cléricy, La Motte, Amos et Palmarolle, Abitibi, Québec. Ministère des Richesses naturelles, Dossier public DPV-608, 3 p., 4 cartes. ( more)
2 Bergeron, R., Chouinard, N., Lalonde, J.P. (1980). Données brutes de l’échantillonnage des eaux souterraines de l’Abitibi (annexe du DPV-725). Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources, Dossier public DPV-726, 280 p., 20 cartes. ( more)
3 Lalonde, J.-P., Chouinard, N., Bergeron, R. (1980). Atlas géochimique des eaux souterraines, région de l'Abitibi, Québec. Ministère de l'Énergie et des Ressources, Dossier public DPV-725. ( more)
4 LaLonde, J.-P. (1983). Ground-water geochemistry in the Abitibi volcanic belt of Quebec. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 19, p. 207-233. ( more)
5 Beaumier, M., Henry, J. (1987). Compilation des aires d'intérêt géochimique (Abitibi-Témiscamingue), Québec. Ministère de l'Énergie et des Ressources, Document divers DV 87-22. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1974-1975 Groundwater sampling survey, Barlow-Ojibway Lake area, Abitibi, Quebec, 1974-1975. ( more)
2 1987 Geochemical Compilation Project, Abitibi-Temiscaming, Quebec, 1964-1987. ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
48° 49.25° -79.52° -77°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers NTS 32C/3 (Lac Gueguen), /4 (Val d'Or), /5 (Barraute), /6 (Senneterre), /11 (Rochebaucourt), /12 (Landrienne), /14 (Despinassy), 32D/1 (Malartic), /2 (Lac Kinojevis), /3 (Rouyn), /6 (Rivière Kanasuta), /7 (Clericy), /8 (La Motte), /9 (Amos), /10 (Taschereau), /11 (Palmarolle), /14 (La Sarre), /15 (Rivière Macamic), /16 (Collines Gemini) and 32E/3 (Villebois). This survey is located in the Abitibi county and is bounded by latitudes 48° and 49°15' and longitudes 77° and 79°31'.


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