Survey Metadata


New Brunswick


Till survey, NTS 21B/10, 15, Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, 2007.

Location map

(requires an Internet connection)

Primary Publications (see below for full list)

Index Publication
1 Dickinson, P., Allard, S., Pronk, T., Parkhill, M., Boldon, G.R., Desrosiers, M. (2009). Reconnaissance till geochemistry of Grand Manad Isalnd (parts of NTS 21B/10 and B/15 map areas), Charlotte County, sourthern New Brunswick: “ultratrace” ICP-MS and INAA geochemical data. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals Policy and Planning, Open File 2009-6, 68 p. ( more)

Survey Description

In 2007, till samples were collected from 24 sites on Grand Manan Island using a reconnaissance scale 2 km grid.  Samples were collected from natural exposures, road-cuts and hand-dug excavations.  Samples from two sites were collected as part of the Maritime Soils Project (part of North American Soil Geochemical Landscapes project - NASGL).

The data are published in New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources Open File OF 2009-6.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Dickinson, P., Allard, S., Pronk, T., Parkhill, M., Boldon, G.R., Desrosiers, M. (2009). Reconnaissance till geochemistry of Grand Manad Isalnd (parts of NTS 21B/10 and B/15 map areas), Charlotte County, sourthern New Brunswick: “ultratrace” ICP-MS and INAA geochemical data. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals Policy and Planning, Open File 2009-6, 68 p. ( more)
2 Dickinson, P.J., Allard, S., Boldon, G.R. (2012). Compilation of till geochemistry survey data for southwestern New Brunswick (NTS 21G and 21B), Canada. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Lands Minerals and Petroleum, Open File OF 2012-1, 12 p. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 2012-2021 New Brunswick Till Compilation Project, 2012-2021 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
44.59° 44.81° -66.92° -66.76°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers parts of NTS 21B/10 (Grand Manan Island) and /15(Campobello Island) on Grand Manan Island, southern New Brunswick.  The centre of the study area is located in the Bay of Fundy, approximately 39 km south of Blacks Harbour.


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