Survey Metadata


New Brunswick


Till sampling survey, NTS 21O/10, northern New Brunswick, 2014.

Location map

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Primary Publications (see below for full list)

Index Publication
1 Parkhill, M.A., Gilmore, W.F., Pronk, A.G., Desrosiers, M. (2021). Compilation of till geochemical survey data for north-northwestern New Brunswick (NTS 21 N and 21 O, and 22 B), Canada. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development, Geological Surveys Branch, Open File Report 2021-2, 32 p. + supporting digital files. ( more)

Survey Description

During the summer of 2014, till samples were collected from 88 sites in thesouthwest part of the Upsalquitch Forks map area.  The survey was carried out to follow up on anomalies found in an earlier 1986 survey (published in PM 87-47) and to provide additional data to validate and constrain the anomalies and delinieate previously unknown areas of prospective mineralization.

The data are published in New Brunswick Deparment of Energy and Mines Open File OF 2015-6.

The data have also been published as part of a compilation for NTS 21O, 21N and 22B in NB DNRED Open File OF 2021-2.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Parkhill, M.A., Fisher, J.B. (2015). Follow-up till geochemistry in the southwestern part of the Upsalquitch Forks (21O/10) area, Northern New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Energy and Mines, Geological Surveys Branch, Open File 2015-6, 5 p. ( more)
2 Parkhill, M.A., Gilmore, W.F., Pronk, A.G., Desrosiers, M. (2021). Compilation of till geochemical survey data for north-northwestern New Brunswick (NTS 21 N and 21 O, and 22 B), Canada. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development, Geological Surveys Branch, Open File Report 2021-2, 32 p. + supporting digital files. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 2013-2018 New Brunswick Follow-up Till Project, 2013-2018 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
47.5° 47.656° -67° -66.735°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers the southwest part of NTS 21O/10 (Upsalquitch Forks) in northern New Brunswick.  It is bounded to the west by 67°W longitude and to the north by the Northwest Upsalquitch River.

  • Covers a very small part of NTS 21O/10 (Upsalquitch Forks; 1 sample) in northern New Brunswick.  The centre of the study area is located approximately 6 km southwest of the confluence of the Upsalquitch and the Northwest Upsalquitch rivers.


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