Survey Metadata
New Brunswick
Till sampling, NTS 21J/3, (Millville), southwest New Brunswick, 1995-1998.
Location map
(requires an Internet connection)
Survey Description
Between 1995 and 1998, till samples were collected from 336 sites in the Millville area, southwest New Brunswick. This includes original and follow-up sampling. Sampling was based on a 2 km grid. Basal lodgement or basal meltout till were collected at the grid point, or as close as possible if it was unavailable at the selected grid point. Sample pits were excavated by hand to at least 0.1 m into the C-horizon if possible. Sample pits were cleaned out and sampled by hand with a stainless steel hunting knife to loosen material. Approximately 5 kg of till was collected. Pebbles were also collected from the C-horizon. The data are published in New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Open File 99-11.
Data Description:
Paper report, data on diskette.
Quantities Analysed:
<0.063 mm fraction of till by INAA for 35 elements; by ICP-ES for 19 elements, S also done on the follow-up samples; Sn by fusion-ICP; Hg by CV-AAS.
Geochem Maps Available:
Other Analyses:
<2 mm fraction of till used for grain size analyses.
Publication History
Index | Publication |
1 | Seaman, A.A. (1997). Till geochemistry of the east half of the Millville (NTS 21J/3) map area, York County, New Brunswick. In Current Research 1996, B.M.W. Carroll (ed.). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Geological Surveys Branch, Mineral Resource Report 97-4, p. 225-246. ( more) |
2 | Seaman, A.A., Prebble, A.C. (1997). Au, Ag, As, Hg and Sb values in tills of the east half of the Millville (NTS 21J/3) map area, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Map Plate 97-19A. ( more) |
3 | Seaman, A.A., Prebble, A.C. (1997). Cu, Pb, Zn, Co and Ni values in tills of the east half of the Millville (NTS 21J/3) map area, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Map Plate 97-19B. ( more) |
4 | Seaman, A.A., Prebble, A.C. (1997). Mn, Fe, Sn, W, Th and U values in tills of the east half of the Millville (NTS 21J/3) map area, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Map Plate 97-19C. ( more) |
5 | Seaman, A.A. (1998). Au, Ag, As, Hg and Sb values in tills of the west half of the Millville (NTS 21J/3) map area, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Map Plate 98-19A. ( more) |
6 | Seaman, A.A. (1998). Cu, Pb, Zn, Co and Ni values in tills of the west half of the Millville (NTS 21J/3) map area, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Map Plate 98-19B. ( more) |
7 | Seaman, A.A. (1998). Mn, Fe, Sn, W, Th and U values in tills of the west half of the Millville (NTS 21J/3) map area, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Map Plate 98-19C. ( more) |
8 | Seaman, A.A. (1998). Till geochemistry of the west half of the Millville (NTS 21J/3) map area, York and Carleton counties, New Brunswick. In Current Research 1997, B.M.W. Carroll (ed.). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Mineral Resource Report 98-4, p.75-92. ( more) |
9 | Seaman, A.A. (1999). Follow-up till geochemistry in the Millville (NTS 21J/3) map area, York County, New Brunswick. In Current Research 1998, B.M.W. Carroll (ed.). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Mineral Resource Report 99-4, p.45-55. ( more) |
10 | Seaman, A.A. (1999). Till geochemistry of the Millville (NTS 21G/12) map area, York and Carleton counties, New Brunswick: site and geochemical data. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Minerals and Energy Division, Open File 99-11, 85 p. ( more) |
11 | Allard, S. (2004). Levelling methods for regional till geochemistry data from southwestern New Brunswick. In Geological Investigations in New Brunswick for 2003, G.L. Martin (ed.). New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Minerals, Policy and Planning Division, Mineral Resource Report 2004-4, p.1-20. ( more) |
12 | Allard, S., Seaman, A.A., Pronk, A.G., Boldon, G.R. (2005). Till geochemistry of southwestern New Brunswick. New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resource Report MRR 2005-6 (digital). ( more) |
13 | Seaman, A.A. (2012). Rare earth elemetns and associated elements in basal till, west-central New Brunswick, Canada. New Brunswick Department of Energy and Mines, Geological Surveys Branch, Mineral Resource Report MRR 2012-1: Paper 1, 76 p. ( more) |
14 | Pronk, A.G., Parkhill, M.A., Boldon, G.R., Seaman, A.A., Allard, S., Gilmore, W., Desrosiers, M., Dickinson, P. (2016). Compilation of till geochemical survey data for central and west-central New Brunswick (NTS 21 J), Canada. New Brunswick Department of Energy and Mines, Geological Surveys Branch, Open File OF 2016-1, 19 p. ( more) |
Project History
Geographic Extent
Minimum Latitude | Maximum Latitude | Minimum Longitude | Maximum Longitude |
46° | 46.26° | -67.5° | -67° |
The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:
Covers NTS 21J/3, the Millville map area, southwest New Brunswick. The village of Millville is located approximately at the centre of the study area. Highway 104 runs approximately north-south through the region.
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