Survey Metadata

Soil, Till

British Columbia


Soil and till sampling, NTS 82M/5, North Barriere Lake area, south central British Columbia, 1997-1998.

Location map

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Survey Description

In 1997 and 1998, B-horizon soil and till samples were collected at 44 sites near the Harper and Broken Ridge Prospects, North Barriere Lake area, British Columbia.  Most of the sampling was carried out using 4-wheel drive vehicles, but foot traverses were used where road access was blocked and to obtain more detailed sample coverage.  Soil and till samples were collected from road cuts or dug pits at intervals ranging from 20 to 200 m, depending on the extent of the bedrock mineralization and the size of the existing regional till anomaly.  Broken Ridge is located on a steep slope close to Harper Creek and sampling down-ice (SE) from mineralization was limited to a small area.  More extensive sampling was carried out west (up-ice) of Broken Ridge to locate the source for a high copper value in a regional till sample.  The data are published in British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines Open File 2000-31.

Data Description:

Paper report with data lists.

Quantities Analysed:

<0.063 mm fraction of soil and till for over 50 elements using a combination of INAA, aqua regia digestion- ICP-ES and aqua regia digestion-solvent extraction followed by ultrasonic nebulizer-ICP-ES (UARICP).  Selected samples analyzed for major oxides, LOI, and C, S, Ba, Sc, Nb, Ni, Sr, Y and Zr by lithium metaborate fusion ICP-ES and LECO combustion.

Geochem Maps Available:


Publication History

Index Publication
1 Lett, R., Jackaman, W. (2002). Geochemical exploration models; Volume 1, VMS deposits in south central British Columbia (NTS 82L/13, L/14, 82M/5, M/6 and 92P/1E). British Columbia Geological Survey Branch, Open File 2000-31, 34p. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1996-2002 South central British Columbia till sampling, 1996-1998 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
51.32° 51.35° -119.91° -119.85°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers part of NTS 82M/5 (North Barrière Lake), near the Harper-Broken Ridge Prospect, south central British Columbia.  It is located north of North Barrière Lake.


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