Survey Metadata


British Columbia


Till sampling survey, NTS 82L, 83M, southern British Columbia, 1998.

Location map

(requires an Internet connection)

Survey Description

Approximately 215 till samples were collected in 1998 in the Shuswap Highlands area, southern British Columbia.  The data are published in British Columbia Geological Survey Open File 2000-18.

Data Description:

Paper report; report can be downloaded.

Quantities Analysed:

<0.063 mm fraction by ultra-trace ICP-AES after aqua regia digestion for 35 elements and by lithium borate fusion ICP for 11 oxides, LOI, C, S and 7 other elements, and also by INAA for 35 elements.

Geochem Maps Available:

Proportional dot symbol maps show region dispersal of elements.

Publication History

Index Publication
1 Paulen, R.C., Bobrowsky, P.T., Lett, R.E., Jackaman, W., Bichler, A.J., Wingerter, C. (2000). Till geochemistry of the Shuswap Highlands area, B.C. (parts of NTS 83M/3, 82L/13 and 82L/14). British Columbia Geological Survey Open File 2000-18. ( more)
2 Lett, R., Jackaman, W. (2002). Geochemical exploration models; Volume 1, VMS deposits in south central British Columbia (NTS 82L/13, L/14, 82M/5, M/6 and 92P/1E). British Columbia Geological Survey Branch, Open File 2000-31, 34p. ( more)

Project History

Index Year Project
1 1996-2000 Eagle Bay drift exploration project, 1996-2000 ( more)

Geographic Extent

Minimum Latitude Maximum Latitude Minimum Longitude Maximum Longitude
50.87° 51.22° -119.75° -119°

The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:

  • Covers parts of NTS 83M/3 (Albas), 82L/13 (Chase) and 82L/14 (Sorrento), in the Shuswap Highlands area, southern British Columbia.  It is bounded to the south by Shuswap Lake, to the northwest by Adams Lake and to the east by Seymour Arm.


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