Survey Metadata
Newfoundland and Labrador
Till survey, NTS 1K/13, 1L/16, 1M/1, 1N/3, 4, Cape St. Mary’s Peninsula, southeastern Newfoundland, 2007.
Primary Publications (see below for full list)
Index | Publication |
1 | Batterson, M.J., Taylor, D.M. (2009). Till geochemistry of the Cape St. Mary’s Peninsula, southeastern Newfoundland (NTS map areas 1K/13, 1L/16, 1M/1, 1N/3 and 1N/4). Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Open File NFLD/3026, 119 p. ( more) |
Survey Description
In 2007 till samples were collected on St. Mary’s Peninsula, southeastern Newfoundland. In total, 490 samples (including field duplicates) were collected.
Most samples were from the C- or BC- soil horizon and were collected in pits 0.5 m deep or at depths of 0.5-1 m deep in quarries or road cuts. Sampling density was 1 sample per 1 km2 in areas of good access and 1 sample per 4 km2 where helicopter support was required.
The data are published in Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources Open File NFLD/3026.
Samples from this survey were reanalyzed for fluoride and the data are published in a compilation (Open File NFLD/3344) with samples collected from across the province between 1985 and 2017.
Publication History
Index | Publication |
1 | Batterson, M., Taylor, D. (2008). Ice-flow history and regional till-geochemistry sampling on the Burin and Avalon peninsulas. In Current Research 2008, C.P. G. Pereira, D.G. Walsh (compilers and eds). Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Report 8-1, p. 13-23. ( more) |
2 | Batterson, M.J., Taylor, D.M. (2009). Till geochemistry of the Cape St. Mary’s Peninsula, southeastern Newfoundland (NTS map areas 1K/13, 1L/16, 1M/1, 1N/3 and 1N/4). Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Open File NFLD/3026, 119 p. ( more) |
3 | Amor, S.D. (2018). Fluoride in Newfoundland tills. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Open File NFLD/3344, 18 p. ( more) |
Project History
Index | Year | Project |
1 | 2017-2018 | Fluoride in Till Project, Newfoundland, 2017-2018 ( more) |
Geographic Extent
Minimum Latitude | Maximum Latitude | Minimum Longitude | Maximum Longitude |
46.75° | 47.25° | -54.27° | -53.26° |
The geographic extent of the survey is defined by the following polygons:
Covers all or parts of NTS 1K/13 (St Mary’s), 1L/16 (St Bride’s), 1M/1 )Ship Cove), 1N/13 (St Catherine’s) and 1N/4 (Placentia) on the Cape St. Mary’s Peninsula, southeastern Newfoundland. It is bounded to the west by Placentia Bay, to the southeast by St. Mary’s Bay and to the north by 47.25°N latitude.
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